A New Return

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I slammed the door closed as soon as I ran into the house, making as much noise as possible. No one woke up. I growled and slammed my foot onto the ground, "Wake up!" I shouted, no one stirred, "Chara and B.J are back!" Now that made them wake up. Kait jumped up and whipped her head around while everyone scrambled up, tripping over one another. Being the girl I am I jumped into Sans wrapping my right arm around his neck for support and grabbed Kaitrine's arm with my left, "What the hell! Were we goin'!" Red shouted his eye glowing, Oops. I thought, "Lakeport!" I shouted back as I started to teleport, with everyone. I looked over to the door to see Chara, Cross and B.J burst through just as we teleported away. We landed in a pile of limbs in the middle of the empty street, "Yes!" Kait shouted, pumping a fist in the air right next to my ear, "See ya you-" I slapped a hand over her mouth and smiled, "We made it." I said

I don't know about that. Gaster said.

They don't know where we went, I pointed out, So we have a few days.

I just have a bad feeling.

Someone waved a hand in front of my eyes, "Hey don't space out in the middle of our celebration!" Kaitrine crowed, pumping her fist into the air again, "Okay but can we get up please. Someone's elbow is digging into my ribs." I replied, "Sorry." Red mumbled as Blue slipped off of the top of the pile. Soon everyone was standing up and brushing dirt off of their clothes, "What now?" Someone asked, I didn't pay attention to who. Gaster was right, something didn't feel right. "Hmm. Oh. I don't know." I replied, half listening. I slipped my hand into my torn up overall pocket and ran my thumb over the smooth face of the lightning blue gem. That's when I felt a small shock, like something wen't missing. Or something negative arrived. My eyes wen't wide "Duck!" I shouted. Everyone looked at me confused, I held out my hand and used my magic to make gravity around them heavier than normal, so they fell onto their stomach's. I threw myself down right before something grazed the top of my head and landed in front of me, I gulped. Chara's knife. "Ack!" I shouted pressing my hands harder against my head, rested my chin on the ground and slamming my eyes closed. What can I do? I thought in a panic, How can I protect them? How can I help the town? I felt a small twinge in my Soul. I snapped my eyes open and felt my pupils go dilated before slowly standing up and flinging my arms out to the side, my Soul exiting my chest floating, and glowing bright green right in front of me. In a bright green glow a green shield covered every building in its own protective bubble, along with a light green shield arching over us in a cocoon of sorts, casting a lime green glow over us. "You guys okay?" I asked turning back to them, "Ye-What the hell!" Red shouted before leaping up, "What's wrong with your eyes, kiddo?" Papyrus asked a cloud of cigarette smoke floating into my eyes. I blinked rapidly and a few stray tears slid down my face, "What do you mean?" I coughed, "There green!" Blue shouted, "What?" I asked taking off my glasses and looking into my reflection, sure enough they were an emerald green and so was my Soul, "Oh. Oh! I guess I have a new-WOAH!" I suddenly screamed as a log similar to my AU Log materialized floating just above my opened palms.

"Powers?" Sans finished for me

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"Powers?" Sans finished for me. I nodded and closed my palms making the new log disappear back into my palms. I turned around and rested an open palm on the shield around us, I can't keep this up forever. I thought squinting my eyes at the three forms of Chara, B.J, and Cross. "How did they find us so fast?" I asked myself, feeling the others gather around my place to look at the three murderous figures.

The magic in your Soul, little gem. Gaster said

"The magic in my Soul?" I repeated, confused.

Yes. Cross is not his true self. He's taken over by someone, however I don't know who. Gaster said. I could practically see his face; confused, yet trying to puzzle this out.

"Hate to cut this short, but using multiple powers is really draining me. Maybe-" I cut myself short. That won't work, I thought.

Maybe, what? Gaster asked me.

"Maybe I can bring you here. Maybe I can set you free." I murmured, gently brushing my temple with my fingertips.

You-you would do that? For me? He asked.

"Of course. No one should be on their own. I'll talk to you in a second. In person this time." I said turning back to the gathered crowd of skeletons, and Kait, behind me. "Your losing it." Red said his arms crossed. I blanched and blushed at the same time, "Kid, care to explain." Sans asked, with more gentleness and affection than Red, "C'mon kiddo, you tell us everything." US Papyrus said looking at me gently, sending a small cloud of smoke from his cigarette. "O-okay," I mumbled, my bangs falling from behind my right ear over my glasses, "I've been hearing a person in my head. I met him last night in person and he's been kinda like a father figure to me. I want to help him so he won't be alone anymore." Everyone was nodding and I turned back to my normal pale (very pale) tan color. "So how are you going to do that?" Ink asked cocking his head to the left.
The jewels, little gem. Use them with Kait. I think that will work. Gaster said
"Okay. Kait catch." I said tossing her the rose gold and orange gem. She caught it and held it close to her eye, "Holy shoot. This is beautiful. Where'd you get it?" She asked, "From him." Was all I said before gently grabbing her wrist, my lightning blue gem sandwiched between her wrist and my hand, she did the same. I closed my eyes and opened them again, Kait did the same her eyes turning orange. Mine however turned firey blue then faded into a emerald green and fading into the other colors on the log I had up a second ago. All of my Soul colors (except for the negative Souls). We held our outstretched hands side by side, our Souls floating right in front of us before melting into each other, turning into a red and orange, fire like Soul. Kait and I closed our eyes, I focused on Gaster's face and felt our intertwined Soul jump and I gritted my teeth, I won't be able to keep the shield up afterwards. I thought before feeling a strained gasp from next to me and Kait lowered her hand and I felt mine drop to, a strangled gasp falling out of my mouth, sweat dripping down my forehead and I opened my eyes. Right in front of me, looking himself up and down was Gaster. I let out a half gasp half squeal and fell right into his arms, I was exhausted and half expecting the shield to fall but it didn't. The green was replaced with blue, Sans's magic, was surrounding all of the buildings on Main Street as well as around us. I looked around wildly for him and spotted him standing just outside of the shield, his back turned to the three figures as they advanced down the street, "S-sans." I wanted to scream, but it came out as a quiet gasp against Gaster's shoulder, as he lifted me gently in his arms. Sans's smile widened and he lifted his hands out of his pockets and started signing something to me in sign language. I was confused on how he knew it and mostly how I knew it but that was short lived.
Thanks kiddo, He signed. For what? I signed weakly, my hands twitching the response slowly, For bringing mine and Papyrus's father back, He signed back. Chara, Cross and B.J we're getting closer, Sans quickly looked over his shoulder and started to wrap up our sign language conversation, Kiddo, I- never mind. I'll see you soon. Sorry in advance if anything happens. His hands dropped back into his pockets and he turned around, "You guys ready for a bad time?" Sans said, "N-no," I mumbled lifting my hand so my fingertips brushed the magic protecting us, "You'll g-get k-killed." It was a whisper as it came out. He'll get himself killed. And I was not strong enough to help.

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