Happily Ever After? -- LAST CHAPTER!

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Hello everyone, hopefully this didn't take as long as I thought it did (: Last Chapter! WAAHHHH!!! I'm sorry but don't worry I am making a sequel! I promise I will start writting straight away! Talk after the chapter (:

-Felicia x 


Zayn’s POV

“Hurry up we got to leave in like 10 minutes,” Liam yells from the corridor.

Daddy Direction for sure.

I hear the sound of my door creeping open. I jump out of my bathroom to go see who it is.

“Rachel what are you doing in here.” I ask as Rachel closes the door behind her and stepping closer to me.

“Oh nothing just wanted to talk to you.” She says sitting onto my bed.

Okay. Why is she coming to me and not Lydia or Kaidi, or any of the other girls this is strange.

“Okay what is it.” I ask sitting down next to her on my bed.

“Okay so there’s this guy…” She starts

Okay this makes more sense she’s having guy problems.

“And well he’s taken, but I really really like him. What do I do?” She finishes

“Umm... well does he know that you like him?”

“No, that’s the thing but he’s dating one of my best friends so yeah.”

“Oh, well I think it is still best to tell him you know, it might not change his feelings for you or for his girlfriend but still is a good idea to tell him and get it off your chest.”

“Okay I’ll tell him thanks Zayn.” She says standing up off the bed.

“Anytime.” I reply standing up next to her.

I step away and walk over near to door and open up the little drawers they had there looking for my wallet.

I wonder who it is. What if it’s Harry, because her and Kaidi are best friends.

FOUND IT! I pull my wallet out of the drawer and slam it close and stand up straight, I hear foot steps behind me and I snap my body around.

Oh it’s only Rach-

My thought where interrupted by her lips smashing into mine as my back hits the wall.

I know I shouldn’t but I couldn’t help myself it just felt so right. I kissed back, putting my hands on her bum squizzing it.

As our lips move insic with each other, our toughs battling for dominance.

*Knock Knock*

The sound of someone banging at the door sends fear down my spine. I pull Rachel away and just look at her.

She’s not Lydia. I can’t believe I just did that, and with her best friend.

I walk over to the door to see Liam standing there smiling at me and Rachel.

“Hey mate what you doing?” He asks I look at Rachel who was smiling.

Who is she smiling, well of course she can smile she didn’t really do anything; I’m the one who just cheated on my girlfriend whit her best friend.

“Umm.. Nothing Rachel just needed some advice and she was just about to leave.” I reply and moving out of the way so Rachel could walk out.

“Yeah, by boys.” She replies walking out the door, letting her hand touch mine as she walks past, I snap my hand behind my back and look down to the floor.

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