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Yugyeom and Bambam got drag out of their hotel room when Jungkook came in after knocking, no kicking the door. Yugyeom is supposed to rest before going back to Seoul after the shoot with Bambam. Unfortunately, they cant when Jungkook call them to ask their hotel address and then after a few minutes the golden maknae starts on kicking the door. When they open the door Jungkook almost push him to the wall and throw himself into one of the bed not minding how Bambam look at him who comes out from the bathroom.

"Now tell me what's wrong?"

"And don't tell us it's the same reason because I'm going to kick your ass for draging us here in the middle of the night when we are supposed to rest" Bambam said grabbing his beer can. They decided to just buy some alcoholic drinks and went somewhere private and quiet. When Jungkook didnt say anything the two groaned and smack the back of his head earning a glare from him.

"What did you do this ti-"

"Its his fault Gyeom, he and his fucking homophobic ass."


"Why does he need to be like that? Like whats wrong being friends and hanging out with you?!"

"What did he said exactly?" Yugyeom asked.

"He said what if someone saw and follow us-"

"That's all? It doesnt mean-"

"He said "You know what Yugyeom is" Bam, and i know what he means"

"But its not the first time someone talk about me like that."

""You're my friend Yugyeom and he should respect someone's gender if he is older. Being part of lgbt community is not some kind of epidemic decease"

"Jimin hyung is straight Jungkook"

"Bam, your hyungs were straight too even mine its not an excuse"

"Here we go again" Yugyeom sighs he knew they cant win to Jungkook tho so when he look at Bambam and just nods they give up and just enjoy listening to Jungkook's rants.

"And then i thought the both of you were okay now" Yugyeom said looking at the starts above.

"He lied to me gyeom, when i finally decide to just let it go and try to be friendly to him again i found out about him lying to me for being sick. Like what the hell is that?!"

"Did you even try to ask him?"

"Are you not listening bam? He just said "the next thing i knew i pushed him, thats why i still have this freaking cuffs" of course he didnt even let Jimin hyung to explain"

"I dont need explanation"

"Yeah thats why even after 4 years you are still angry of what he did to you and Jimin hyung is still not know what the fuck is wrong. Seriously Jungkook, can you just talk to him and tell him?" Yugyeom said looking at his friend who is looking to his phone in his hands that keeps on ringing every 2 minutes.

"Then what? What do you want me to do after? What will happen after talking to him?" Jungkook whispered but enough for the two to heard.

"Then for the positive side, Maybe you can be friends again" Bambam said.

"Or at least a closure for the negative side i think?"

"Maybe... just maybe he feel something for you and you know like you and him-"

"He is a straight man Yugyeom, he had girlfriends before-"

"You did have past girlfriends too Jungkook remember that." Yugyeom cut him off, in the 97line the two fo them were best budds so they now everything about each other even thier sexuality. Jungkook came out to Yugyeom months after Yugyeom told him he is gay but everyone knew he is a BI and Jungkook well a certified bisexual since he still attracted to girls specially IU.

"Yugyeom is right Kook, you cant be sure of anything, like me in the past Im 100% sure i like girls but when Yugyeom came into the picture my world is always shaking and know look were even together now" Bambam said then snake his arms to Yugyeoms waist and the other snuggles into him.

"Gross. Do it in your room not here!!"

"Excuse you Jeon Jungkook we even might doing something more than this when you barge in our hotel room dragging us out!!!"

"Gross boyfriends" Jungkook muttered.

"You need a boyfriend you loser!!"

Yugyeom and Bambam decided to take Jungkook back to their hotel because the so called Golden Maknae is drunk and they dont know where their villa is they cant call anyone from bangtan because 1. Jungkook doesnt want to yelling "I dont want to see him!!! Call any of them or i will end our friendship!!" 2.They dont have their own phones even his hyungs number. Jungkook's phone keeps on ringing but the stubborn bunny turn it off and keep it away from the two. Bambam really wants to kick his ass for  ruining everything he planned for the night.

"Really gyeomie, Jungkook is an ass why do we even friends with him?"

"Dont be like that, He may be an ass but he is nice too and you know what happened bammie... He is hurt, if thats happened to me maybe i will not part of got7 anymore"

"Aweehhh my giant bear dont be like that.. The hyungs accepted you its fine, dont talk like that again okay?" Bambam said then peck his boyfriends lips.

"Will he be able to end this tho? Like its been years when it happened and i know Jimin hyung did not mean it"

"Hmnnn.. In his state? I think No? I mean, he is full of hatred and really stop thinking when it comes to that topic and even its been years since it happened and him telling that to us... I think he is still not able to move on, lets add the "fan service" thing and what their pdnim said. But i wish he will be able to you know, so lets just wait" Bambam said.

"Im sure Jimin hyung is not straight tho"

"Me too babe, maybe a bisexual too?"

"Hmnnnn... I think he is.." Yugyeom agreed snuggling to his boyfriends neck whispering "goodnight's and i love you's" sharing some sweet little kisses before they decided to turn of the lamp shade and sleep. Being friends with Jeon Jungkook is hard.

"I'm 100% sure Park Jimin is straight, he will never say things like that if he is not." Jungkook huffed and cover himself with the blanket, he heard everything his friends said of course he did since the two is too loud not to hear. His thoughts is full of what the two said about him and Jimin finally talking. Maybe his friends is right, maybe all he needs is a closure and they can be friends again? Maybe he will do that if Jimin did not lie to him for being sick.

When he is taking care of Jimin he already decided to just "forgive and forget" like what his Yoongi hyung said, but after knowing he is being used once again too fool to notice everything. Its like it adds to the fire who is continuously burning him.

"Why? Why is this happening to me?" He mumbles wishing that the two is already asleep so they will not hear him. Jungkook just really want to know what did he do in his past life to be like this and not be like Yugyeom and Bambam or even his hyungs that is happy with their lives? Jungkook just want to be happy too, but maybe being happy is not part of his life. Maybe him being a dramatic stubborn bisexual kid is how the creator made him. Maybe he is not allowed to be just a happy person, No Jungkook is happy he is part of the famous BTS, he have lovable parents and hyungs, he have good friends. But still he knew he is still not happy specially when he lands his eyes to a human fluff ball who looks like he is the happiest person living, the person who Jungkook trust, the person who he like the most among his hyungs, the person who ruined everything between the two of them, the person who named Park Jimin.

And..... Im back!

Hi?! I hope you like this update, there will be another.....

Come on lets read it!.

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