Chapter 21 [Christmas Special]

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I was startled awake when my door when slammed open, loud shouting coming from the doorway.


"Natsu, I swear to Eanna, I'm going to rip your legs off if you bust into my room shouting ONE MORE GODDAMN TIME!" I muttered darkly before falling back asleep.


A force started bouncing on my bed, I nearly fell out because of it. I groaned and sat up, throwing a pillow at the pink headed dragon slayer trying to wake me up then laid back down, snuggling into the heat source close to me, the blanket. I could hear chuckling next to me, I rolled over...the wrong way and fell out of bed.

I kept my eyes shut as I was too cold and didn't want to get up. But then I realized what day it was, my eyes snapping open at the realization. I jumped up and threw my blanket to the side.


I heard a chuckling and whipped my head around to see Freed awake, the shirt I let him borrow the previous night was gone.

"If he took it off while I was sleeping then I swear to the holy Eanna herself-"

"Come on, Corrana! We're gonna start the Christmas party!" Nastu exclaimed.


Snapping my fingers, I changed clothes so I was appropriately dressed for the holiday. I shoved past Natsu and ran down the stairs to greet everyone. They all were so happy, I couldn't believe how happy we all were.

"MIRA!" I shouted, "PRESENT FOR YOU!"

I yoinked the gift for her from under the tree and gave it to her with a smile, she returned the smile and opened the gift, gasping at the item inside.

"You're too sweet, Corrana. Thank you so much!" she said as she lifted the cute hair clips and hair ties from the box.

Each one contained the essence of happiness and purity, causing the wearer to become filled with a rush of a euphoric feeling. I thought it was fitting for someone as kindhearted as Mira.

Plus it was extremely hard to get the essence, I had to travel back to Starsdale under the shadow of night time to find the flowers that had that harvestable essence. I was nearly caught by the guards stationed to find me. Luckily I hid as a squirrel in a tree, but it took me nearly 5 hours to get all the essence.

I mean I still have some left over as a potion ingredient, but that's another story for another time.

"Give them a sniff," I suggested to Mira, "I think you'll enjoy the smell."

Mira cocked her head in confusion but still took a whiff of the clips and ties, her smile grew and she giggled.

"They smell amazing! Seriously, Corrana. Thank you so much!"

I gave her a quick hug and was stopped by Makarov when I went to go speak to Levy.

"You got gifts for everyone in the guild, it seems. How did you have time to get everything?"

I giggled, "I paused time a lot and went to shops to collect the items I wanted to gift to the friends in this guild."

"I see. Well I hope everyone enjoys their gifts."

"Master, I got you something as well."

He seemed shocked, "Me? Now child, why would you go through the trouble?"

"It was not a problem to get you something for the holidays, Master. Everyone deserves to receive something for Christmas, that includes you."

I turned and picked up the gift, walking back towards Makarov, "I hope you like it, Master, I thought long and hard about what to get you."

Surprised, he took the gift from my hands and opened it, gently taking out the orb that was inside.

"What is this?" he asked curiously.

I giggled and placed my hand on top of the orb, speaking my full name, then a memory showed up inside the orb, playing in front of our eyes.

It was of Rocky, Haru, and I, singing at a concert I took us to back in the day. Before the incident, before we stopped seeing each other.

"It's a memory orb. When you say you're name, the orb searches for your happiest memory and displays it for you. It plays one memory at a time, so it has multiple uses for multiple memories."

"That is truly incredible." he mumbled as my memory faded away.

"Try it."

He placed his hand on top and uttered his name, then his memory showed up.

It was of him holding an infant, tears filling his eyes as he looked down at the bundle of joy in his arms.

"This is the day Laxus was born." he mumbled before tearing up and smiling, "This day was the one I enjoyed most, because I became a grandfather."

He looked up at me, "Thank you, child. This is a truly meaningful gift."

I bowed to him, "Thank you, Master, for allowing me to join this guild and create all the friendships that I have in this guild."

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