South Korea= Part 2

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I wake up and i look out the window that is near my bed, it is so beautiful outside. I Hope i can do some stuff today if it keeps up like this.

I get up and take a nice relaxing shower and then i put on some comfy clothes that where in one of my begs.

(Your outfit)

You start your day off with getting yourself a vanilla slim fast shake and then you start to unpack your clothes that you had in your bags

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You start your day off with getting yourself a vanilla slim fast shake and then you start to unpack your clothes that you had in your bags. When you where finally done you watched some TV and Weekly Idol was on so you watched it. DK and Mingyu who are apart of 17 where on the show and had their dogs with them.

(full episode)

You wish you had a dog but you don't have a lot of responsibility, it was hard for you to come and live by yourself because your parents thought you would burn the complex down.

You persuaded them though to let you live alone, after all you kind of did in Mexico but you did have a roommate so you split the rent. You both bought grocery's together and split stuff up so you did take responsibility for yourself when you where in Mexico.

After watching Weekly Idol you decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood since you didn't have very much to do. After that you watched TV again because you where so board but there wasn't much to do. Then when you where watching Train to Busan you got a call the ID said 'Fuck Head' other wise known as Taehyung or V. You sighed because he annoys you so much! but he is your brothers band mate so you answer the call.

Minjun= Hello?

V= Hey Minjun-ah, it's been a while since we talked

Minjun= Ya, so what do you want? you never usually call me unless you need something

V= Wow, you really have no faith in our friendship do you?

Minjun= i am just stating the obvious *sigh*

V= Sorry, but ya, you got a point.

*line goes silent for a while*

Minjun= Taehyung Oppa? are you there

V= Oh uh y-y-ya sorry, i-i was just thinking about something

V= i was actually thinking why don't the members come over for a house warming party? sounds like fun right

Minjun= Sure why not, i'm so board right now

V= OK we should be by about 6ish Minjun-ah

Minjun= OK, sounds good Oppa bye-bye

V= Bye Minjun-ah

After i finished the call with Taehyung i made sure i had a lot of food because those boys love to eat, i also made sure if i had some alcohol and pop because they also need something to go with them eating. I didn't really have anything though just some grape juice,milk and my vanilla slim shake powder. For food i just had cheesy's and some ramen and some microwave dinners 'Thanks brothers' i thought because they where suppose to get me some stuff. So i wen't out to get some stuff before the boys came at 6 and it was already 4.

I visited a near by grocery store and bought some chips and popcorn i also got some necessitates for living because i wanna COOK TO!

When i was in line i saw a young girl staring at me, i then saw the shirt she was wearing was a seventeen one. Oh god, she must have recognized me as Woozi because she started pulling on her mom frantically and was pointing at me and then the mother turned around and looked at me and had shock all over her face. I Then started to hurry up and try and get my stuff paid for so i could leave and not deal with this. I Was to late though because before i left i was faced off by the mother and the little girl. "Woozi Oppa, can i have your autograph? please" said the little girl as she held a marker out to me and held a piece of her sweater out signaling to me she wanted me to sign her sweater. I gulped down, because i had no idea what to do! so i just done what came to my mind first. "I'm sorry but i'm not Woozi" then the little girl started to cry and the mom just glared at me then said "Woozi-ah, i understand you are a idol, but can you at least be nicer? you will loose fans if you act like that" with her saying that it hurt so much. I'm not Woozi though it was a insult to my twin brother. Then i decided what the hell with it "I'm sorry, whats your name little girl?" she then looked at me and started to hick up. " K-Kim Mina" she said in between them "How old are you?" "i'm 9" i smiled at her "you are such a big girl" then i tried my best to do my brothers signature. After that a hole bunch of people gathered around me and asked for the same thing and for pictures. UGH i knew that was a bad idea, so i tried and slip away "I'm sorry guys but i got to go back to practice with 17, hope you guys support us in the future, fighting!" and with that i ran out the store and to my apartment. Making sure though i was not fallowed, after catching my breath i asked J-hope to bring some alcohol with them because i was not going out there again.

Minjun 🦄= HEY, can you get some alcohol before you guys come?


J☮= Sure thing! 🍻


So i just waited for them to come since i could rely on them to get the alcohol.


Twin sister to Woozi & little sister to SugaWhere stories live. Discover now