Chapter 1: Welcome to The Literature Club

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You get up from your bed, groggily. School. God you hated that place. But you got up anyway anyway and began to get ready. You brushed your long/short hair and decided to keep it down. You put on your outfit and grabbed your f/c book bag and phone and quickly grabbed an apple before heading out. You always walked to school so you had plenty of time to eat your apple.

"Y/N!!!" You heard someone call.

You turned around and saw a tallish girl with long hair and a matching outfit walk towards you. That was Monika. You guys had been good friends for a while and she always seemed like such a good person.

"Hey Monika." You greeted once she was by you.

"You sure do love apples. That's the tenth one I've seen you eat since yesterday!" Monika giggled.

"Well they're good." You pointed out.

The two of you continued walking and you continued eating your apple. You did love apples. But the reason for it was because that's all your step mother would give you. And so you started loving apples/

"Can I ask you a question?" Monika asked.

You tried mumbling a yes but your mouth was full. Monika giggled.

"Well I started a club and I was wondering if you would like to join it." Monika said.

You swallowed your food.

"Sure." You replied and took another bite.

"Thank you, Y/N!" She exclaimed.

You smiled back at her. After more silence you two made it to the school gates.

"So who all is in it?" You asked, hoping to know at least someone.

"Yuri, Sayori, Natsuki, me, and you." Monkia replied, sighing.

You didn't know Sayori or Natsuki but you kinda knew Yuri. You've seen her before, or at least seen her head in a book. She has recommended some books to you before and you fell in love with them.

"I'll show you where the club is once we get out of classes. It's pretty close to your classroom." Monika said, breaking you from your thoughts.

"Thanks, Monika." You replied, throwing your apple core into a bin.

You two made it up a flight of stairs then went your separate ways. Monika had always been a good friend and you tried your best to be the same for her. You wondered if Yuri would remember you as you walked into your classroom. You fell hard to the ground as someone tripped you. Kids in the room laughed.

"Watch it, idiot!" One of your bullies said, laughing.

You got up and quickly went to your desk. Sitting down, you took out one of the books Yuri gave you and buried your face in it.

"How are you liking the book?" A calm voice asked.

You look up and see Yuri is sitting at the desk by you.

"Oh hey Yuri! I really am liking it." You said, putting on a fake smile.

Yuri smiled and nodded. But her smile soon faded as she looked to the front of the room where your bullies sat.

"I'm sorry about what happened." She apologized, looking back at you.

"Oh it's fine." You sighed, putting your focus on the words in your book.

Yuri smiled and looked over at your book. Her expression turned to amazed.

"You've read so much."She mumbled.

You nodded.

"Having free time can be good. Gives me more time to read." You responded.

Yuri chuckled, something she rarely ever did as far as you knew. You continued reading your book and Yuri continued glancing over at it.

"Ok class! Let's begin." Your teacher announced.


It was finally the end of the day. You and Yuri were standing outside of the classroom, waiting for Monika. 

"She might be a little late. Do you want me to show you where the literature club is?" Yuri asked.

"Sure." You replied.

Yuri smiled and started walking towards the right. You followed Yuri, close behind. It wasn't long until you reached an empty room. Yuri went inside and motioned you to follow her in. You looked inside and then entered.

"Natsuki should be here soon. Sayori is usually the last but Monika is sometimes late." Yuri said, sitting down at a desk.

I nodded and took a place by Yuri. We sat in silence for a few minutes until a short, pink haired girl comes in.

"Where the heck is Monika? She keeps coming late." The girl said, annoyed.

"I have no idea, Natsuki." Yuri responded.

"Well it's starting to bug me." Natsuki growled, crossing her arms over her chest.

She looks at you.

"Who the heck are you." She asks you in a snarky tone.

"I'm Y/N. You must be Natsuki." You reply.

Natsuki rolls her eyes and looks at your book.

"Good god. We have another Yuri? Just what we all needed." She growled.

"She's not another me. I just gave her one of my books to read awhile back." Yuri said, sternly.

Without warning, another girl ran in, knocking into Natsuki. They both fell to the ground and you stood up from your seat to see if they were okay. The other girl was laughing while Natsuki looked upset.

"Damn it, Sayori!" Natsuki growled.

The girl, who you assume is Sayori, blinked a few times. She just smiled cheerfully at Natsuki and stood up. Sayori looked at you and blinks a few times.

"New member!" She exclaimed and hugged you tightly.

"S-Sayori! You need to be more gentle." Yuri sputtered.

Sayori whined and let go of you. You let out a sigh of relief, being that you could breathe again. You held out your hand for Sayori and smiled.

"I'm Y/N, your new club member." You grinned.

Sayori smiled and shook your hand, happily. Sayori was a little bit shorter than you so you were almost at eye level. 

Monika came into the room, looking worried. Then she saw you and looked relieved.

"There you are Y/N." She sighed.

"Sorry if I worried you. Yuri brought me here since you were running a bit late." You breathed.

Monika looked at Yuri then looked back at you.

"Well now that you're here." Monika said.

"Welcome to the literature club!" 

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