Chapter 26

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I got up slowly, and followed Kaitlyn out the door.  "So, are you and Savannah related?"  I tried a little small talk.

                "I'm her guardian."  She moved gracefully down the stairs. 

                "Like, legally?"

                A small smile played on her perfect red lips.  "I'll let Savannah explain it all to you.  I don't want to rob her of her girl talk."

                I nodded.  "Sure, sure." I murmured.  I figured it wasn't as clear cut as it appeared.

                "Katie!"  Savannah was sitting at a long table in front of a huge spread of food.  There had to be enough food there to feed a small country.  "Come join us."

                Kaitlyn took her seat to Savannah's right, while I took the chair on her left.  "Are you expecting guests? Maybe the New Orleans Saints?"

                She laughed.  "I enjoy my meals.  One of the great things about being a Caster is perfect metabolism.  My appetite can be quite voracious, especially if I have been using my magic.  It takes a lot of energy to cast properly."  She reached for a serving tray of steaks.  "I figured we could get to know each other while we eat."

                She began passing food to Kaitlyn, who seemed to have the same penchant for large meals.   They both piled food high on their plates, and looked at me, expectantly.  I didn't want to seem ungrateful, so I started loading my plate with the delicious offerings.

                "So," Savannah picked up her fork and looked at me.  "Tell us about yourself."  She daintily scooped potatoes into her mouth.

                "There's not much to tell."  I poured A1 sauce on my steak.  "I'm from Stransberg, up north.  I have two brothers, and my parents own a sugar cane plantation.  I'm studying Art at SLU."

                She nodded, moving on to her massive green salad.  "How did you meet Dustin?"

                "His sister Dani is my roommate."

                She tilted her head and looked into my eyes.  "I can sense your nervousness.  Why don't you ask me some of the questions rolling around in that prolific mind of yours.  I have nothing to hide, so feel free."

                I swallowed my bite and thought for a moment.  I really wasn't up for a game of 20 Supernatural questions. "I'm not sure where to start."

                "I find that it's easiest to start at the beginning."  She smiled knowingly at Kaitlyn.

                "Okay," I set my fork down.  "How did you become a Magic Caster?" Way to get right down to it, I snidely congratulated myself.

                She sipped from her wine glass, and began.  "Magic Casters aren't created, they are born. My parents were both Casters, so of course, I was born in their image.  Casters reach casting maturity at different rates, and I didn't have magic until I hit puberty, hence my youthful glow."  She smiled, broadly, like a pageant contestant.  "Some casters are born with active magic, while others must wait much longer to be able to use their gifts.  That's why some casters look very young, while others appear very old.  We stop aging physically when our magic completely matures."  She stopped to take another bite. 

                "What can you do?  I mean, I know you can cast spells, and that you can talk to me telepathically, but what other "gifts" do you have?"  I was praying she didn't have a penchant for voodoo or sacrificing small children.

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