Chapter 42

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I jumped up and grabbed my coat, praying that Victoria was still snuggly hiding in my hair.  I opened the door and peeked out, hoping none of the guys were lingering in the hallway.  Thankfully, the coast was clear.  I hurried out, closing the door softly behind me.

              It was a cool, clear night when I reached the quad.  I stopped next to a weeping willow tree, trying to still my pounding heart.  I had no idea if Kellan's people were still watching the campus, but I had to try.  I walked around the pavement at the heart of the campus, looking confused and lost.

"Interesting."  A voice purred behind me.

I turned around and came face to face with a guy I recognized from a party I went to at the beginning of the school year.  He had tried to get me alone after I had had a few drinks, but Dustin had rescued me.  I prayed he would be able to again.

"If it isn't a lost Katie Cat."  His dark grey eyes glowed menacingly.

I rolled my eyes at his unoriginality.   "Daemon.  How are you?"

He grinned a wicked smile.  "Much better now.  Where are you off to?"

"Just getting some air."  I forced myself to act natural.

"Want to go for a walk?"  He tilted his head to the side.  "If I remember correctly, we were supposed to look at the stars last time we met.  Until your overprotective boyfriend intervened."

"I think I'll just walk by myself." What a tool!

"That doesn't sound like any fun.  Don't you want to have some fun, Katie?"  He brought his eyes to mine.

I knew what he was going to do next.  He had no idea what I really was, or that attempts at mind control rarely worked on me. I was counting on his extremely high opinion of himself.

He linked his eyes to mine and said, "You want to go for a walk with me."

I almost lost it and laughed when I realized that his power had no effect on me, but I bit my lip and played along.  "Okay."  I began to walk next to him, as we headed towards the far side of campus.

He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed someone.  "Tell the man I have a present for him.  I'll meet you in the yellow parking lot.  Bring the van."

My heart skipped a beat as I realized my plan was working.  I continued to walk next to Daemon, knowing that if I broke character, Shawn was as good as dead.

"Where are we going?"  I casually asked.

"We are going to take a little ride."

"I don't think I want to take a ride."

He stopped and linked his eyes with mine again.  "You want to take a ride with me."

I slowly nodded, keeping my breathing even.  "Okay, I'll take a ride with you."

"You know what else you want to do?"  he asked me.


"You want to kiss me."

I felt sick inside, but I had to keep his suspicions down, so I pursed my lips as he moved closer.  He pressed his dry lips to mine, and I could feel his excitement.  Vomit rose in my throat. He seemed very pleased with himself, even though his attempts at mind control were sloppy at best.  I knew I could manipulate him like putty in my hands, but he was playing my game and I needed it that way.  I vowed to make him pay once this was all over.

"I think you like me, Katie."  His grey eyes were glowing.

I said nothing, as the yellow parking lot came into view.  There was a dark panel van idling in one of the spaces.  "Where are we going?"  I asked again, keeping my voice slow and even.

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