Part I

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This is my oneshot dedicated to macklemcvey and their story, Heavy Crown.

I hope you like it,


9 months after Reina had become aware of her pregnancy, she and Harry welcomed a baby girl into their lives. Through trial and error, they both learned how to love one another more, and vowed to bend and break at the will of their little dragon.


It means strong and powerful. They knew they wanted her name to convey what they would teach her later in life- how to stand up for herself, to teach and spread kindness, but to also be ruthless when necessary.

How to prove someone wrong when they underestimated her.

Hair as black as night, skin as beautiful as caramel, lips pouting constantly, but her eyes, they were just as her fathers.

Her eyes were as green as the brightest emeralds you would ever see, absolutely captivating.

Everyone around let them know their thoughts, how the tiny baby had Harry wrapped around her finger and how she also was a spitting image of Reina. There were also other who continued the outrage of having a "foreigner" not only as the queen, but now as an heir.

The threats became more aggressive, more violent, more continuous. Harry and Reina tried everything to bring peace and be stern that nothing was going to change in having their daughter and her in the castle, but along with that came an even bigger fear.

Both of them would lay awake some nights just to make sure nothing would happen to their princess, Harry would even go as far as leaving his duties for up to a week or more just to make sure his wife and child were safe.

As Valencia grew, she began showing traits from both her parents- her stubborn ways along with a threatening glare which she inherited from her father, aswell as her gentle heart and and accepting ways from her mother. She was headstrong and fierce in ever move and decision she'd make. Just as her parents.

Now 18 years later, she was getting ready for her coronation.

Staring at herself in the mirror, body adorned with a black dress and her custom house rings.

Gold and black dragon ring around her left middle finger, and a gold and black lion ring on the other middle finger- both kingdoms she came from represented in her own way.

Taking a deep breath, she blinked and shook her head slightly, standing straighter and her head held high.

"You'll be fine, this is it. This is your legacy." She whispered to herself and took another deep breath.

A knock at her door distracted her momentarily and she turned to face it, bringing her hands up she twisted the ring around her finger, a habit she picked up from her father.

"Who is it?" She said, her voice holding a soft raspy tone, inviting all together.

"The one and only dove." Her fathers voice resonated through the door and she smiled slightly at the nickname.

"Come in." She began walking towards the window that gives her a view of everyone here to see her coronation. Her father opened the door and first peeked his head inside before entering, closing the door gently behind him. Looking around the room he spots his daughter near a window. She turns fully to go towards her father and she sees a smile spread in his face.

His little girl was grown up. From how tall she stood to how she had matured, she was an adult now. It felt like just yesterday when she first said "dada", he remembers that moment clearly. His heart almost stopping when she did and the joy he felt after- not only because she had just said her first word and it was dada, but the fact that she said dada first and not mama. He used that against Reina often when they were playfully arguing, all she could do was smile and roll her eyes at him. He remembers teaching her how to sword fight and how amazing she was at it, "a right natural my daughter is" we're his words to anyone who would see her spar against him or other guards. She also took on archery from Reina which was a skill she was perfecting.

Thinking of all the laughter and tears he's seen from her, her outbursts and fits to her passion for leading and making decisions in meetings held in the castle, her parents were there for it all. So seeing his daughter so grown up and ready to take on whatever life chooses to throw at her, his lip began to waver and his eyes began glossing. Taking note of her fathers demeanor she paced toward him quicker and engulfed him in a tight hug.

As they held each other for a lifetime, she placed her head in the crook of his neck and closed her eyes, it was a calming technique he had told her to do whenever she felt nervous or scared.

"You're all grown up now aren't you?" He said softly, running his hands up and down her back to sooth her. Taking a deep breath, she lifted her head and rested her chin on his shoulder smiling gently.

"I'm still your little girl." She laughed softly and began to stand straight. She looked into her fathers eyes and took notice of the one tear that had escaped, so she gently took her thumb and wiped it away, smile still on her face. "Please don't shed anymore tears, this is a happy occasion I'd like to believe. That and if you continue to cry I'll have no choice but to cry as well, and Mother wouldn't be particularly happy about having two crying people hugging while everyone is down there waiting now would she?" She raised an eyebrow and Harry rolled his eyes softly but knew his daughter was right, his wife would have to pry them away from each other if they got emotional together.

"I suppose you're right." He looked to her again and she scrunched her nose and giggled.

"I usually am."


part II coming soon

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