Part II

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In honor of Harry turning 24 tomorrow.


"You know, you look just like me when I was younger. Only you have your fathers eyes." Reina found herself saying. Her daughter was stood in front of the big wooden doors that lead into the room where she would be officially crowned a princess.

Gulping, she looks to her mother and smiles softly then proceeds to take her hand and intertwine their fingers.

"Then again you have his hot headed ways." She chuckled softly and looked at her daughter as she rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"I think I get that from you actually, dads become quite mellow as time has passed."

"My child you have no idea." They both giggled. Both women standing together, Valencia standing a bit taller than Reina as they continued their small conversation. Harry was heard before he entered the room, his infamous boots along with another pair clicking against the stone floor as he made his way to the two beautiful women in his life.

"I don't see as to wait until I'm 21 until I'm coordinated, Val is only 18 yet she gets the crown before me." His son huffed at his side, biting the inside of his cheek as he looked to his hands.

Standing outside the doors, Harry looked to him and gently smiled as he raised a brow.

"Mika, you do realized just over a month ago you thought it would be a funny idea to push your sister into the river while she was walking the grounds with Roman." He squinted and his son tried to bite back the smile that threatened to spread across his face.

"I think the look on her face was quite funny." He finally met his fathers eyes and found that he was no longer smiling, so he cleared his throat.

"If by the time you turn 18 and are no longer as immature as you are now, maybe you'll get coronated."

"Mother says I'm like you when it comes to my immaturity and child like nature so really I have you to blame." He shot him a wide smile and opened the door before his father could scold him.

As they entered, both siblings glared at each other as Harry and Mika walked further into the room, the women separating and Reina going into the arms of Harry, giving him a kiss. Mika followed in suit and gave his mother a big hug, kissing her forehead as he rocked both of them back and forth, pro longing the embrace.

Mika has always been attached to Reina, always at her side hiding behind her legs when meeting new people, or laying on her chest when he wasn't feeling particularly well- or even when he just wanted the extra attention, he gets that habit from Harry she claims. He had come a year after Valencia was born, and was a spitting image of Harry aswell. He was born with beautiful ivory skin and jet black hair, his eyes just as pale and clear as Reina's.

"Are you ready dove?" She jumped slightly at the sound of her fathers voice from beside her. She blinked twice and took a deep breath.

"Ready as I'll ever be." She said quietly. Her mother and brother cane over to her as her mother took her hands again, this time looking at her with a softness in her eyes as she did when she was about to cry. She furrowed her brows and took on of her hands and cupped her mother's cheek.

"I already went through the crying talk with Dad, now I know if you cry well never even leave the room." She said and with a small smile and her mother simply rolled her eyes and gently swatted her hand away, emitting a giggle from her daughter.

"You're just so grown up now. You're a woman. A strong one at that, just as I'd hoped-" a clearing of someone's throat interrupted her and she looked towards Harry who simply smiled and pointed to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2018 ⏰

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