1. Ghosts

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As the days drag by
I am stuck here
Because my soul refuses to wither

No one can see me
As I swish from place to place
Like a leaf flying through the wind

I am dead and left behind
Nowhere else for me to go for me
Except the place where I died
Dark and ended lonely

As my mind lingers with regret
And dread surrounds me
No one is left to comfort me
As my hope slowly drifts away

I am a ghost
As I will always be
Until I meet the afterlife
In all its wonderful glory


And that is a wrap in this new series! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter for a Ghostly start to the (not so new)year!

See you all next time for another addition of: Just Some Poems on the Fly~

If you're still here reading this, congratz, you get a preview about what the next will be about. The next chapter will be named : Shadow and Light! The first one to guess which anime that's from will get a prize from me~

                     Peace out,

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