Cartier bardi

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Titled because I like the cardi b song and also Cartier is a main character so I'd like to get into his character a little bit more 😘


I woke up and stretched, I was still sitting in the car. I checked my watch and the time read 4:12 am, I swiped up and searched through my contacts when I got to chelle's name. I'd been out busting moves all night and King was looking over the other houses, we agreed to meet up at 6 that way I could swap cars with him and head home. I dialed the number and she picked up after the third ring.

"Hey brother, what's up". She answered groggily and I laughed and shook my head.

"Nothing just tryna check to make sure my girls are okay". I ran my hand down my face.

"Of course they're fine Carti. I put the alarm system on and they've been sleep all night. But anyways where the hell are you? Your ass better be back here and ready for school at 8 o'clock". She was now wide awake.

I sighed. "Chelle I been busting moves all night I'm trying to come home and go to sleep, that's it".

"Carti I don't give a fuck! Do you want your whole life to consist of being a drug dealer. That shits not cute and you're not King, it took him a long time to get to where he is" I could hear the irritation in her voice. "Look I'm not coming down on you but you're not grown yet and I want the best for you and right now that's school. You're a sophomore so these years matter. I want you to get into a good college and leave all this shit behind. Indianapolis has nothing to offer you. Become a doctor. That way you can buy Angel whatever she wants and you can get your sissy a new car". She laughed and so did I.

"Ight sis, I feel you and really I can get you a new car right now". I was now serious again.

"No I want you to be smart with your money. Go check on your Mom and maybe just buy her that car, I'm sure she'd appreciate it".

"Yeah you right". I felt bad not going to visit my mom and I didn't want to have to keep Angel away from her I just didn't want Angel to be traumatized so I protected her from having to be. I'm sure she could use groceries and clothes though so I pulled out away from the house in the direction of Walmart.

This was the best time to shop because nobody would be out this early except for workers. I grabbed a cart and got her toilet paper, towels, rags, soap, kitchen essentials, hella junk food, steak, pork chops, chicken, meat balls, and hella beef and pepper TV dinners because she loved them. Her and chelle had that in common. They were cheap and I didn't care for them but they could eat them all day. I loaded the trunk and headed to her house.

I searched my key chain and to my surprise I still had her key on the ring. I unlocked the door and walked in hauling all the groceries on my arms, I refused to make more than one trip. I closed the door with my foot and walked to the kitchen. I placed all the bags on the floor and started taking everything out. This house still had the weird odor that was always around. I looked in the fridge and it was empty, sadness rushed over me. I quickly put all the food away and then grabbed the cleaning supplies that I'd gotten from the store and began scrubbing the counters. After a while I heard a door open.

"Ma?" I didn't bother turning around because once I started cleaning something I had to finish. I bent down and placed the supplies under the sink and stood back up.

"Who are you?" A guy was standing in the doorway. I pulled the gun from my hem and I could feel myself getting upset.

"Who am I? Nigga Who the fuck are you, and what you doing in my mama house". I'm sure my face held a look of disgust.

"Oh I apologize, I'm her boyfriend, nice to meet you". He held his hand out.

"Boyfriend? You think I'm gone allow you to pimp my mama out and how you somebody's boyfriend but you can't even make sure she stay fed?"

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