Chapter 1: Demons come back

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The day started out like every other ordinary one. I got up at around 7am, to have enough time to get ready for work, then for studying.

After the incident in the Netherrealm (it’s actually the name of the Demon world, but I learned that not too long ago after some research with different historians) many things changed around me. It has already been five years, but I remember every moment like it happened just a second ago. I hadn’t forgotten my brother… Whenever I get the chance I visit his grave, clean it up, place new flowers and just… talk to him. I know that he can hear me and sometimes I feel his admonishment… I miss him and I truly need him… But as I have said… That is life.

After I graduated I applied and got accepted in Osaka’s main university. After wondering what profession suited me best, one day it just hit me – primary school education. I loved children and everything about them, so I thought what better way to be around them than being their teacher, the most important person trough their first years of developing as proper humans. So I accepted this specialty. Now I am in my fourth year of education and I must say I really enjoy the work, the lessons and the observation practice. As I was just sitting in my room, reading for my next exam, Hidan silently walked inside and hugged me gently, placing a slender kiss on my cheek.

After everything we decided it was best if we move into a small flat together, share the rent and well… Just be with each other as more as we can. I loved that man more than anything in this… and the other world. He was everything I could ever want – robust, tender, caring, loving and most importantly – funny as hell. He got accepted in the same university, but his specialty is telecommunications.

“How are you, dear” he asked after sitting next to me on the bed.

“Well… buried in my books, exam closing in… Just great.” I smiled gently and snuggled in him.

“Well Mrs. Busy, I just wanted to tell you that you are going to be late for work again if you don’t hurry.” He conveyed.

I jumped off the bed, wonderment clearly visible on my face. I ran to the wardrobe, grabbed some clothes and started dressing, while cursing my lack of sense for the time.

“Calm down, love, they won’t fire you…” Hidan teased and I just threw a small glare at him, which made him go silent. I kissed him goodbye and quickly ran out to catch the bus.

After getting into the university it was necessary to find a job if I wished to pay for the terms. I looked around for about a month, before stumbling across an old food market in which I used to shop all the time. After asking the manager if there were any free spots I got my job – cashier. It didn’t pay much, but it was enough to cover my needs. Hidan found a job too as a junior web developer for one of the many technology corporations around town.

I managed to arrive in the market just in time. My colleagues chuckled as I quickly put on the plate with my name on it, tied my hair in a ponytail and took my place behind the cash register. The day was going by slowly and in a uniform – clients pass by, I smile at them, ask if they want a plastic or recycling bag, mark their products, take and return money, then repeat. By noon I was getting really bored, so I went out during my break to get some fresh air and watch the clouds – something I found really calming. One of the other workers – Mira Koorogi, walked over and leaned against the wall of the building next to me.

“Sumi… Is something bothering you? I have been meaning to ask you for a while… You always look like you are not here. Physically – yes, but your mind lingers elsewhere.” She uttered, pinning her amber eyes in me. I just smiled slightly and looked at her.

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