keep on trying to live your life.

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Your life is yours alone. Others can try to persuade you, but they can’t decide for you.

They can walk with you, but not in your shoes.

don’t be scared to switch paths or pave a new one.

it’s always better to be at the bottom of the ladder you want to climb than the top of the one you don’t.

Realize that patience is not about waiting, but the ability to keep a good attitude while working hard for what you believe in.

This is your life, and it is made up entirely of your choices. if life only teaches you one thing, let it be that taking a passionate leap is always worth it.

Even if you have no idea where you’re going to land, be brave enough to step up to the edge of the unknown

-We know deep down that life is short. live your life today. and dont be afraid to get hurt. Be afraid of a life you never lived because you were too afraid to take action.

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