Little Rose

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"What symbolizes you?"

I... Don't like to be vulnerable. So I have a barrier. Thorns that protect me.

But I like to be around others and smile with the rest. I laugh with others but trust no other.

So that makes me a rose. Anyone can take care of me but if they aren't careful then they will get hurt.

But if I loose my thorns then does that make me a thornless flower or still a beautiful rose?

A poem

Little rose,
You have yet to bloom
But your thorns cover you

Little rose,
Born to grow bright
But this pain is not right

Little rose,
Be careful who you're with
As the dark path is no myth

Are you aware of your thorns?
Are you aware of your beauty?
Are you aware of your people?
Are you aware of yourself?

Little rose,
You can be cared for by anyone
But those who aren't careful enough
Will get stung by your thorns.

Little rose,
Those who do care and remove the thorns
There is a beautiful rose but something is missing.

My love,
You broke through it's pointy vines
Now, are you left with a rose
Or a thornless flower?

No matter, the little rose you seek
Is this little me.

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