The Monster's Spawn

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Damian's POV
It was hours before I could leave the medical bay. It seemed Father wanted every DNA test known to mankind done. By the end, Grayson was exhausted from having to run back and forth with the requests from Father the whole day. He came in saying, "Hey, I need a piece of hair" and what soon followed was, "Oh my- okay so can you spit into this please and thank you". His whole demeanor changed from energetic and outgoing to just done. I was at least grateful that he allowed me to take the blood on my own. I make it a point to not trust those I am unfamiliar with. I still don't even know why I'm here. If it's a test I hope I am succeeding. Afterall, I made sure the food was not poisoned before eating and triple checked all the furniture for explosives before sitting down.

Grayson beckoned me to follow him to the cave and shot me apologetic glances every so often. I felt the vibrations below my feet of Father pacing angrily before I saw him. His cowl was off but he was still in Batman costume. His hair was messed up as if he had been running his head through it all day and I was surprised to see him when he was clearly not at his best. Grandfather would never allow a person to view him in such a state and the fact presents me with another reason Father is unlike Grandfather.

I observed the computers from a distance as Grayson and I gave Father space to stomp around the area. All the tests were on the screen, all presenting a green check beside it. I knew Father was making sure I was his and Mother's son. It made sense to because Mother's reputation would gain questioning if she was lying. I expected more than one test too since someone should be wary of Mother's rare honesty. However, I did not count on Father's obvious distress from the news. Finding out about a son is shocking, yes, but am I such a disappointment that Father is....annoyed? I'm so confused. Why was Father engaging in odd behavior? It was obvious, despite the stone cold face, that Father was upset. But why?

Grayson patted my shoulders and directed me upstairs. We left Father who looked as if he was going to throw a chair at the computer screen in his distraught state. A minute shake in the ground as we walked upstairs followed by Grayson's poorly hidden wince proved that Father did indeed end up throwing something the same weight as a chair, if not a chair.

When we entered the manor once more, Grayson chuckled, "Hey, I know we missed lunch but do you want to help me make sandwiches? I'm kinda not allowed in the kitchen without supervision after I set fire to the refrigerator."

The remark was confusing. You had to be both skilled and determined to set fire to a refrigerator. Or you could be a completely incompetent fool in the kitchen which was what I was leaning towards with Grayson. Yet, his smile was misleading. He seemed genuinely cheerful, although a little embarrassed based on his body language, the only language I don't have to wonder what it's like to hear.

I do not live to please Grayson though, I live to take over for my Grandfather and lead the League of Assassins so, therefore, I have duties.

"I do not have time Grayson," I push away from him and go where I remember the gym is.

Despite my commitment, training turns out to be a waste. My mind wanders elsewhere and is much too loud for my silent world. Questions begging to be answered starting with Father's behavior to why I'm here. I can't keep focus so I sit on a mat and close my eyes, some meditation, that's all I need right now.

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