Sk8er Boi

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The skate park was not a fun place to hang out in my opinion, it was just full of a bunch of douche-y guys showing off to their equally douche-y girlfriends. Apparently, my friends didn't feel the same way, though, so I was stuck watching a group of teenagers trying to do kickflippers or ollies or... whatever.

Speaking of my friends, neither of them were anywhere in sight, must've run off with some guys or some shit. I knew I shouldn't have come, I knew that I was just being used as a free ride; but I still made a conscious decision to come, so I was stuck waiting here until they finally showed up again (or until they texted me saying that they'd already gotten rides home from whatever jerks they'd hooked up with).

I directed my attention to the group of guys skating around in front of me. There were four or five of them, all around my age. One of them had a pastel pink skateboard, which stood out softly against all the black and red ones, and I couldn't help but chuckle a bit at it.

Watching the same guys do the same tricks got boring for me quickly, as it apparently did for them as well since all but one of them left after a little while.

The pink skateboard boy was still speeding back and forth across the park, attempting a trick every so often. I stared for a few minutes before realizing that if this guy saw me looking at him that intensely that it would be really awkward, so I pretended to be distracted by my phone, which just happened to die after about twenty seconds. God, I needed a new phone.

I stood up and stretched, taking one last look around to make sure that my friends weren't just lurking behind a bush or something weird, before deciding to just head home. I'd apologize about it later and even if they didn't accept my apology and ended up hating me for the rest of my life, I don't think I'd really care, they were kind of assholes anyways.

I took a few steps away from the bench before I heard a sudden crash, followed by a loud curse. I flipped around, watching as the pink skateboard spun across the ground and smacked into the side of a lamppost before my eyes drifted to the mess of a boy on the ground. I stood for a moment, dumbfounded, what do I do? Call an ambulance? Ask him if he's okay?

I jogged over, kneeling beside him.

"Hey, a-are you okay?"

The boy met eyes with me, though his gaze was much less friendly than my own. "Do I fucking look okay to you?!" He spat.

"Yeah- no-" I stuttered. "That was stupid question, sorry. I just- are you hurt? Should I call an ambulance? My phone's dead, so I can't."

"I don't have mine with me, didn't want it to get broken or anything if something like, well... this happened." He told me, trying to get into a sitting position. "Do you have a car by any chance? Would you be able to drive me to the hospital?"

I nodded, getting to my feet and swallowing nervously. "Do you need help getting up? Is it your leg that hurts?"

"Yeah, my leg and ribs. I'm pretty sure something's fractured, or at least twisted." He grabbed my hands and I pulled him up, though he quickly hissed in pain and kneeled back down. "I don't think I can walk."

Now that was an issue. If the lack of a chance to call an ambulance was the foundation of this shit cake, this was the frosting.

"Should... should I try carrying you?"

"...What?" He looked at me as if I'd grown another head. "Carry me?"

"I mean, would you rather just be left here for about half an hour while I try to track down an ambulance for you?" I raised a brow. "It'll only be for like twenty seconds, plus, there's not even anyone around."

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