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I've never been the kind of person to get easily hurt, it's just not like me.

I'm a fairly confident guy and used to pride myself in not letting anything get to me, as if I'd built up these invisible walls without even realizing it. A lot of my friends would tell me that it was human to be hurt and that all wounds would heal eventually, and sure, I could believe that, but what was the point in allowing yourself to get hurt in the first place? It was dumb. Being human, my ass. I could be human without being vulnerable.

Or, at least, I thought so for the longest time.

March 19th was an important date to me, it marked the day that my life began to change, that I began to change.

All because of a single person.

When I first saw Shane in the Clevver studio I didn't think much of it; he'd been invited in to film an episode of Beauty Break with Lily and Joslyn. Sure, I thought he was attractive, but that didn't seem important at the time; hell, the majority of the internet thought he was attractive. They filmed the video, Shane left, and it was over... right?

Apparently not, considering the two of us were currently laying on the couch, legs intertwined, and bodies pressed against each other as the credits for Titanic rolled across the screen in front of us, Celine Dion's melodies playing quietly through the speakers. Shane had fallen asleep about halfway through, and I couldn't blame him. He'd gotten about half an hour of sleep the night before

I scrolled through the comments on one of Shane's videos, letting out a chuckle or warm smile every-so-often at an odd joke or sweet comment, that was, until a read a certain one.

"I still think that Shane likes Gabbie more than Ryland, like don't hate me but I hope they don't work out so that shabbie can happen 😙😍"

I bit the inside of my cheek lightly, reading it over a few times. I wasn't used to being affected by someone's comment, I'd seen about a billion "ur ugly, kys" messages in my life and had been able to brush them off like a fly on my shoulder. This time it was different. Maybe because it wasn't about me this time, but rather about a relationship that the two of us had poured our hearts into. Maybe because those walls that I'd unknowingly built up had been seemingly knocked down single-handedly. Or maybe it was because it was late and I was too tired to deal with it properly.

Yeah, that was it.

Putting my phone aside, I pulled the blanket further up on my body, glancing at Shane's sleeping form. My eyes lingered for a moment before I let out a sigh and cuddled closer to him, closing my eyes.

"Oh, fuck!" Shane cursed. "God, you should've just woken me up last night, that couch is absolutely horrible to sleep on!"

I snorted, looking up from my phone as he cracked his back loudly.

"Come on, it wasn't that bad."

He strolled over to me, placing a light kiss on my head, to which I grinned happily.

"Well, baby, maybe it's because you decided to use me as your body pillow." He hummed, raising a brow at me.

I rolled my eyes, watching Shane as he slipped a hoodie over his shoulders and stuffed his phone into his pocket.

"I'm heading over to Garrett's place to film a video, alright? Be back soon!" He told me, heading towards the front door.

My breath hitched in my throat and I didn't respond for a few seconds, causing Shane to glance back at me expectantly. I gave a bit of a forced smile and blew a kiss at him. He responded with a raised brow and a combination of a judgemental and confused look before closing the door behind him. I let out a breath that I didn't realize I'd been holding and dropped my hands into my lap, phone resting snugly between my legs.

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