Before I begin...

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So the photo is ZeroyalChaos. Later I'll be making my own images So yea. So each one of these Chapters is going to be in one pov for the whole chapter and switch to another pov in the next, so forth. Basically if one chapter is in Ze's pov the next one will be in another derps pov. Just to clear up any confusion right off the bat here. I'm also going to be putting in derp crew inside jokes. I'm also going to be putting these chapters to songs, So maybe lyrics will be involved I dunno yet. This story is mainly about Ze and Chilled, but of course I'm adding in Smarty and GaLm(Yes I'm going to continue using the names they are more well known by. I love these guy's  videos. Also I am aware of them living in different states for the sake of the story they are all living in the same state. (Not that this is important  but it kinda is just be like a sushi roll and go with it) And this isn't real Its a fanfic, that might have minor fluff between characters (Not full on lemons, but thinks will get sour, if ya know what I mean) Ok I think thats, That? Oh, right one more thing, this fanfic is Starting in February 2018, (And before you ask this is the only time I will update with a full  on chapter, I'm just not a fan when a Chapter is an update in the mid story point. But thats just me) And hopefully going to end the fanfic. in April 2018. This is going to be the only Author note in the book.(expect if I have to clear something up)  And I hope you enjoy reading. -Aly.

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