Up late at night, and concerned friends

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So a mess of a sleeping schedule and stress. If thats not déjà vu I don't know what is. (Also song is fitting-ish) Nope Im Just a mess in general here. Move along and read RAWR XD. How can you tell I'm tired. (Ok so there's a bit of colorful language in this yes swearing)

Ze pov

I decided to try and get to bed early tonight. I was going to be playing a game with Chilled tomorrow and didn't want to worry him again. I already told him about me and Smarty. I told Smarty about me telling Chilled about us. Naturally Smarty was thrilled. Chilled gave me a hesitated half-hearted smile, which told me something was up.

Its so weird, the way I told Chilled I mean, about me and Smarty. It was just a skype call between us. Some how after I started to ramble about school. I told him about my 6 projects that I was only half done. I was working on all at once and how stressful it all was.

I told him, I would much rather be playing games with the derps then this project that was making me lose sleep over stressing about it. I rambled for a good half an hour. Chilled let me. I could tell I was boring to him. He would've much rather been talking about games, or literally anything else. I must have said something about my sleeping schedule being fucked up.

Chilled stopped me when I had talked about something stressing me out so much I lost sleep over it. He asked if it happened just because of stress. I remember hesitating before telling him about my mess of a sleeping schedule.

I got kind of goofy, and giggly. I was tired. Chilled could tell. But I brushed it off as being drunk for the first time in a while.

He told me that I needed structure. Like I was six again. He was kind but scolding me. He was going to tell Smarty, I stopped him in his tracks. He couldn't tell him. I was able to tell him that I wasn't wanting anyone else to know about this sleeping problem.

He took so long for me to finally be convincing enough to Chilled to keep this a secret between us. Most think that he puts on an act for his videos. Oh but how he generally cares and can be a negotiating ass hat sometimes.

I'm worrying that Chilled will still tell Smarty. I just don't want them to worry.

I'm just rambling on cuase I'm tired again. I still have editing to do from a solo game. I try to cut stuff, but I feel like parts are important to keep in. I cut out where the audio is crappy.

I look at my phone by me, on the table. Its 2am again. So much for getting a good nights sleep tonight.

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