Everyone looked at the wolf statue, but were more worried about Drake who was still steaming with anger. Spot had been a friend of his back in his dimension, and a great teammate for battle. "What do we do now?" He asked, seeming a little bit calm. No one answered and he started to walk off. Daisy placed her hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, but there's nothing-" She started to say when they heard a crumbling sound. They turned to see the stone crumbling from Spot, until he was completely uncovered. "That's impossible, he's some type of Inhuman breed." Daisy said. Suddenly the man from before came back, alarmed at the sight of Spot. Spot looked at him and growled as he walked towards him. As he growled, Spot's eyes glowed yellow and his fur began to steam until it turned to fire. The entire wolf was soon covered in flames and charged at the man, burning him to the ashes. When he finished, he turned towards the group, transforming back into his original look. "We should get him to the lab, run some tests." Daisy said. Drake agreed, stunned by what happened. Everyone went back to the O.S.S. Headquarters and took spot to the lab. Coulson, May, Daisy, Phoebe, Rebecca and Cecil waited in another room. Coulson felt his robot hand vibrating and looked at it, it was a warning. The hand had an unnoticeable screen that showed the letters that made him nervous. He scanned the room, only one was there. Coulson walked out of the room and met up with Carmen. "I'm gonna take a group back to Shield." He said. "They might be able to help out with something." He wrote a note and placed it into her hand. As he left, Carmen unfolded the note and read it. Either one of my agents or one of your Spy Kids have been switched with an L.M.D. Life Model Decoy. A few hours later, Coulson took the group back to Shield. Coulson walked over to Yo-Yo to talk to her. "Get them into a room." He said. "We've got an L.M.D." Yo-Yo understood and quickly snatched the group, taking them to another room. As soon as the group was placed, Coulson walked into the room. "What's going on Coulson?" Agent May asked. Coulson looked at the group. "Make this easy on yourselves." He said. "Which one of you is the android?" The group looked at each other, confused. Rebecca had to look twice at Cecil, something was off. "What happened before we got there?" She asked him. Cecil looked at her and explained that he found the location, got caught, then called for backup. Rebecca then pointed at her ears. "Where's your hearing aids?" She asked. Cecil shrugged and asked why. Rebecca shook her head. "If you were Cecil, you would know that without your hearing aids you're practically deaf." The android then just laughed. "Fine, you got me." He said raising his hands up. Daisy went to grab him, but instead the android grabbed her arm and threw her to the wall. Everyone started charging at the android, but had no luck. Phoebe finally managed to get him off guard and punched his head, it did no damage to him but sure sent a pain to her hand. Daisy jumped onto the android and was touched by Phoebe long enough to copy her powers. The android was about to hit Daisy when both girls used the ability at the same time. In a matter of seconds, the android shattered into pieces as it fell to the ground. "Who made this thing, Blue Falcons?" Daisy asked. May noticed a label on the ground and picked it up. "Worse, it's Aida." She said. "How is she back?"
S.H.I.E.L.D. Meets the O.S.S.
FanficWhen S.H.I.E.L.D. runs into a new team of enemies to tough for them to handle, Phil Coulson discovers another agency known as the O.S.S. The agency has a group of Spy Kids who go undercover, going where adult spies couldn't go, and doing what adult...