late night oneshot

545 20 13

okay okay, i was bored and tired, so pardon the super low quality of this excuse for a oneshot

that and it's unedited, so take it as you will. bleh, nickcase, the thing that gives me the title of being the "nickcase queen" (it's not even self-proclaimed anymore, since some you guys seem to agree).

anyway, enjoy i guess.


"I... I can't believe I pulled through w-with this."

Suitcase held the shot glass shakily, her eyes clouded by the effects of the alchol she had indulged.

Everyone knew Suitcase would never touch a single substance of alchol, ever. It was almost taboo, forbidden.

Yet everything had its exceptions. And when it came down to a dare, Suitcase couldn't back out.

She forced herself to chug down the liquid, no longer being able to taste what was the alchol.

"Wow, what was that, your seventeenth one?" Nickel sat beside her, staring in absolute awe. "Didn't think you'd be willing to prove yourself that much."

"I am not a pussy, N-Nickel," Suitcase's brain was foggy, she didn't even realize she used such vulgar language. "This'll get Trophy t-to shut up."

"I never said you were, but I'm impressed." Nickel wrapped his arm around Suitcase. "But I do think that's enough for now."

Suitcase replied with a burp, hiccups and words so slurred they were hard to comprehend.

Eventually, Suitcase pushed herself out of her seat, and started to drag Nickel with her. "C'mooooon, I wanna dance."

"Suit, you are completely trashed. You won't be able to stand up straight."

A drunken giggle. "Dance w-ith me. H-ave fun, m'kay?"

All Nickel could do was sigh and allow Suitcase to drag him away.


Who knew that in just six minutes Nickel would find himself holding Suitcase's hair back as she puked her insides out into a bathroom sink.

"Suit, I told you we could've made it to the toilet if you'd let me drag you here soon enough. Now some poor bastard has to clean this up."

Suitcase couldn't respond at all with the exception of a few gasps for breath... followed by gagging and more vomiting.

He was forced to look away immediately. Not only was it sickening, but it pained him to look at Suitcase in such a horrible state.

"I-It burns, Nickel..." was all Suitcase could mutter at the time.

It was then Nickel noticed just how much Suitcase was shaking, her legs not being able to keep her stable. If it weren't for the grip she had on the sink's rim, she would've fallen.

It was a terrible sting in his chest.

"Y'know what, we're heading home, now." Nickel cautiously lifted Suitcase up to carry her bridal style. "Once we get home, I'm getting you some water, and we can head to bed."

Suitcase replied with a muttered whimper, most likely due to how much her throat ached.

Nickel quickly planted a kiss on her cheek. "And as long as I live, I'm never allowing you to be near a single drop of alchol again."

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