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Six years have passed and I've become a pro hero .I never returned to being a boy and cooped up being a girl for the last years ."Izuku are you ready?" My mom asked from across the room fixing the white veil on my head

"Of course mom" I beam happily,I forgot to mention today is my wedding to Shoto

"I can't believe I'll get to see you married Izuku" she started to cry and I gently wipe her tears

She's been supporting me so far and I'm glad for it also Almight will act as my father and send me down the aisle

"A delivery for Ms.Izuku" A bouquet of forget me not flowers was handed to me the sender was unknown but I just shrugged it off

I'm still sad about some stuff but now I'm brimming with happiness maybe after this I can visit Kacchan and tell him all about it


I arrived at the venue of the church and opened the big wooden doors almost everyone was present and crying tears of joy

Uraraka waved at me from the front since she's the first one to enter as my bride's maid

"Young Midoriya" Almight wiped his tears as I hooked my arms on his "thanks for believing in me " He nod ever so gently

"Of course but should I ask am I still your number one hero?" I smiled back but regretfully I shook my head

"My number one hero is Kacchan Almight " he chuckled at me saying I guess so

The walk was peaceful and I can feel everyone staring at me .At last I was passed to my fiance "you look beautiful" Shoto muttered looking at me with a smile

"Thank you" I said a little bashful ,I could never get used to his compliments

3rd Person

The wedding vows finished and they exit the church petals everywhere "Congratulations"

Izuku's eyes widen hearing a familiar voice

A voice she hasn't heard for 6years

The person who congratulated her was wearing a blue cap covering his face

'Is that?' she didn't finished her conclusion as the person vanished into thin air

But almost instantly she saw those familiar pair of crimson red yes staring at her .

"Izuku what's wrong?" Shoto asked out of concern seeing his wife staring into space

"I just I think I saw him" his eyes widen but he did not get jealous for he is also thankful for the short tempered guy

Todoroki smiled "I hope that really is him"

They proceed to the reception and it's time to give a speech for the couple and wish them happiness

When its time for the best man to give his speech the lights was turned off making the crowd murmur in panick

The current pro heroes became alerted, the previous 1-A I mean

Everyone gasped as the lights turned back on the one at the stage was someone they know all too well

He is like always but his arms and everything else seems intact

No one could utter a word it's like the world was really giving out blessings for this day

He is wearing a black tuxedo and the blue cap he is wearing earlier when Izuku saw him .

The same arrogant air was around him he only got matured on terms of looks

"Congratulations ,Nerd!!"


-there's gonna be a next chapter for Katsuki's POV -

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