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Anna: Yi Soo.... I just noticed that you can already say the word Z correctly.

Yi Soo: well, yesterday i did practice to say the word Z correctly. 😅

Anna: wow.. so, you learn malay langguage yesterday?

Yi Soo: yes... i will learn until fluent.

Anna: good.. i If you are fluent in Malay I will not speak English again.

Yi Soo: Not too. You have to speak English if I'm fluent in Bahasa Melayu because English is important.

Anna: English It's too hard.

Yi Soo: That's why we have to learn English if we do not learn English we will not be good at English.

Anna: Okay I will study English and prove to my father that the results of my English exams are excellent because of you and by using my own perspective.

Yi Soo: That's my friend.. I know you can get excellent exam results with your own efforts and proud of your parents because you are in the first class of the 4 science.

Anna: gomawo... Thank you for your support for me. I am very appreciative of your support. I also hope that you get excellent results in Malay and can be proud of your parents. good luck... year-end exams soon the date of the final year examination on the 12/11/2018. I hope you can learn Malay quickly because the exam questions in Malay not English.

Yi Soo: yes... i know... i'm late.. i have to go right now.

Anna: okey! Bye!

Yi Soo: bye!! Kina, i have to go... bye!!

Kina: can we meet tommorow??

Yi Soo: Okay I have to look at my schedule first. If I have time I will WhatsApp at your sister. And then we will meet.

Kina: okey!

Anna: what schedule?

Yi Soo: I have to do my school work first if my mom told me to go to the office. I'll go to the office and help my mom work in the office. That time I can not afford time.

Anna: okey.

Yi Soo: anyeong~


Buat maksud dia doing... what are you doing? Awak buat ape? Oh!! Senang je...

-beberapa jam kemudian-

Alah... senang je... aku rasa boleh dapat A+ untuk bahasa melayu... haha... karangan pon senang..  ulasan.... semua senang gila nak mati.. nanti nak try cakap dengan oppa.

Let me love you~

Eo? Panjang umur...

Yeoboseyo Yi Soo-ah~

Nae... yeoboseyo..

How are you today?

Okey... kenapa? (Bahasa melayu)

Bahasa ape kau cakap ni??

Bahasa melayu... Yi soo dah fasih..

Seriously??? Woah Yi Soo~ bangga oppa... nanti ajar oppa bahasa melayu...

Yi soo belajar sehari je... dah paham...

Eleh... berlagak...

Sejak buat album baru oppa dah lama tak text or call Yi soo... i miss you so much....

Oppa buzy lah... bulan ni memang oppa buzy... tapi start minggu ni oppa dah free.... maybe lusa kitaorang datang malaysia... sebab tu oppa nak Yi Soo ajarkan oppa bahasa melayu...

Jinjayeo??? Woah... awesome... tak sabarnya... tak pe nanti Yi Soo ajarkan eh... tapi oppa jangan tido pulak time Yi Soo ajar..

Eh.. perli nampak?

Haha... memang perli pon...

Esok cuti kan???


Ada cadang nak pergi mana-mana tak??

Mall je kot... nak beli barang and stok makanan...

Nanti send location tau...

Okeyh... yang lain mana??? Sunyi je...


yah!! Pekak lah telinga aku!!!



Tak sabar nak jumpa kau...

Me tooo...

Okeyh lah Yi Soo.. papehal oppa call...

Okeyh..  anyeong..


Tak sabar nya nak jumpa oppa...

Time to sleep right now...


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