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"Life goes on, and the people sing their song. Love and hate, together they can make harmony..."

Dear Zach,

How are you? It's been 6 years since we last saw each other and funny thing is that, even though that 6 long years has gone by, you're still the one that I am yearning for. All those time that we spent together arguing, fighting, teasing and especially caring for each other still makes me smile and cry at the same time.

Why am I even asking? I know that you are doing okay. I've been keeping tabs on you. It makes me happy seeing that you are now a successful diplomat. You've achieved Aki's dream.

I miss you every day. Every time I wake up, it's your face that I want to see first and every time I go to bed, it's you that I want to kiss me good night.

I wonder if you still think of me the same way I do? Have you already moved on with your life? Because I haven't. I wish that you still want to be with me the way that I do but I know I'm being selfish. I also hope that you have forgiven me. I never wanted for the things in the past to happen.

I just hope that you're really doing okay, that's all I want to know.

Haruka Kirisato


Isaac really looks like you right now, he has your eyes.

I folded the paper before enclosing it inside an envelope and hid it within my pedestal where it joined my many letters that I never had the courage to send. Six years worth of letters rotting inside my pedestal.

"Okaa-chan! We're going to be late!" I heard Isaac shout from the kitchen. I quickly got up from my chair and fixed myself before going to the kitchen to face my over-excited son.

Isaac can be a handul sometimes but I adore him so much.

He was already finishing up his breakfast and was ready for school. Today was his first day and I am very much excited to bring him over to school. I just wish that his father ware here to celebrate with us.

"Alright. Are you ready Isaac?" I asked as I crouched to his level to look at his face. He beamed at me and gave me a thumbs up.

"Yes!" He replied happily with his eyes sparkling. The same eyes as his father's.

"Okay, let's go. Don't forget your lunch." I reminded him as I grabbed my keys from the living room.

"I got it!" I heard him replied. He jogged after me and we both went out of our house and entered my car.

"Don't forget to buckle up."

"Don't worry Okaa-chan, I can do this." He said while reaching for the seat belt and struggled with the locking. I giggled and helped him a little to his dismay.

He gave me a pouted look which made him look so adorable that I couldn't help but to pinch his cheeks.

"Ouch, ouch! Okaa-chan, it hurts." He whined while rubbing his red cheeks.

"Sorry baby, I can't help it. You're just too cute."

After that, I drove Isaac to his new school and made sure that the teachers will look after him.

"I'll come back and pick you up later, 'kay?" I said as I kneeled infront of him so that our faces are in the same level.

"Okay! Bye-bye Okaa-chan!"

"Bye, love you honey!" I said as I stood up. I waved after him as I walk back towards my car and saw him waving back.

"Love you too, Okaa-chan!" He said which made me smile. I watched him ran inside his new school before I entered my car and drove off to work.

Today will be a big day at work. I have a new case to take over and it's a huge one since it involves a very well-known politician that was accused for committing malversation of public funds. I have already came up with a team that will handle the case with me but I know this will be very difficult, afterall, we are dealing with a person that has so much authority in the government.

I now work as a lawyer here in Japan after surviving four long years of law school at S University. It was after Zach and I broke up. I was not planning on pursuing my studies here but Hiro-nii-san insisted that I should take this opportunity to forget everything that has happened but now, I just couldn't forget when I have Isaac as a constant reminder of Zach. Not that I regret having Isaac, he is my life now.

I sighed as I pulled over in front of my office and gave my keys to the valet who will be parking my car.

"Good morning Attorney Kirisato!" Yukino greeted as she took the files from my hand and gave me my morning coffee.

"Good morning Yukino, are you ready for today?" I asked her as we walked inside the office.

Yukino Kusakabe is a law student and one of the Paralegals here in our office and is the best one that I have worked with, if I say so myself. She smiled and nodded.

"Of course. Everyone is already inside the conference room and are already gathering facts." She replied.

I smiled and we both entered the conference room to be greeted by different voices exchanging opinions and facts.

"Alright, quiet down you lot!" I said as I settled on my chair which silenced them. "Today is a big day for all of us. I'd like to see everyone working their hardest for this case. Okay, let's begin."


I walked out of the office to get myself some snack. Researching and gathering some facts can be nerve-wrecking sometimes but it still gives me some sort of excitement.

I went to the nearest convenient store and got myself a large bowl of instant ramen and a bottle of iced tea.

"Will that be all?" Asked the cashier after she punched my goods.

"Uh huh, thanks for the hard work." I said as I handed her my payment.

I went out and opened my iced tea to take a small sip when my eyes landed on a car that stopped just outside our office. I have never seen that black Camaro near our office, maybe a new client for Attorney Hirozawa or Attorney Tsugawa.

I shrugged it off and continued walking back, then I saw the person who alighted the car. He was wearing a gray suit, his hair was a bit messy but still looked good and his eyes were covered by dark sunglasses. He was talking to the receptionist and as I was nearing over, I can't help feeling uneasy, as if this person was someone I knew.

The way he walked, the way he leaned over the desk and there was really something in his demeanor that made me feel nervous. It's like my mind is telling me that this guy is bad news, that I should quickly go back to my office before he notices me.

I looked down and hasten my pace towards my office but I stopped on my track once I heard his voice.

A voice that I knew so well.

"I am looking for Haruka Kirisato."


AN: This is my third time revising this story. It was originally written in Taglish form but I realized that I'm just really not that comfortable writing that way, though I'm also not confident with my English, haha. Thank you! Happy reading!

I also recommend you lot to listen to the song that I have posted along with this story. It's Zankyou no Terror's OST and it really fits the story.

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