Chapter 1 (The Deal)

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CHAPTER 1 (The Deal)

6 Years Ago...

It was noisy. 

Everyone was talking with someone. It was the everyday occurence in our class especially if the professors are not yet present.

I was the exception. I did not bother joining my classmates in their conversation, instead, I opted to read for our class. It would not be wise to waste my time talking with them because I know it will not benefit me.

As I was turning my book to another page, someone took my glasses which instantly blurred my vision and made me seethe. Turning my head to see the culprit, I was not surprised that it was Zacharias Gatchalian, or Zach, who took them.

We had this ongoing animosity with each other because on the first day of school, I saw him vandalizing the school founder's monument and I ratted him out to our dean. He never forgave me and he made a vow to make my life miserable. But Zach does not scare me even though he is the grandson of the former President of the country and heir to one of the most biggest shipping lines in South East Asia. I will never tolerate his crude attitude. If there is one thing that I believe in, it's that you should always stand for yourself.

I stood up from my chair and marched towards his direction and tried to get my glasses from him but since he was tall, I was not able to reach it.

"Gatchalian, if you do not return my glasses at once, I swear I will make your day painful." I threatened.

He snickered at my threat, covering his mouth with the back of his left hand while his right still has my glasses. "Oh, I'm scared," He mocked.

I looked down and clenched both of my fist, then I looked up and smirked at him. "You asked for it." I said and kicked his shin.

The result was instantaneous. His face contorted in pain and he clutched his aching shin which forced him to drop my glasses. "Dammit Kirisato, that effin' hurt!" He cursed which made me smile.

"You're welcome." I replied with a curtsy before picking up my glasses. He glared at me which satisfied me a lot.

I went back to my chair, cleaned my glasses and returned to my reading.

I win this round Gatchalian.


"Is Miss Kirisato here?" I froze after hearing Ma'am Leung -who was standing in our classroom's doorway- looking for me. She's our Dean's secretary that's why it's quite frightening if you know that she is looking for you.

Slowly, I raised my right hand. "Yes ma'am." I replied. She looked pointedly at me behind her black rimmed glasses and nodded.

"Follow me." She said in a clipped voice before she turned her heels and walked away. I quickly stood up from my place and followed Ma'am Leung. Wait, have I violated any rules for me to be summoned by the dean? I made a mental review but I cannot, for my life, recall any. I can still hear my classmates whispering about me being called by the dean.

Ma'am Leung halted her steps in front of the Dean's office and turned to look at me impatiently which made me to hurry a little.

"You may enter, Dean Protacio is waiting for you." Ma'am Leung said. I nodded at her before opening and entering our Dean's office.

"Good afternoon sir." I greeted with a bow. Dean Protacio looked at me and nodded.

"Likewise. Please sit down Miss Kirisato." Our Dean said in his authoritative voice. I quickly obeyed and sat at the chair provided in front of dean's table while he was still reading some documents . I was so nervous that I started playing with the hem of my shirt.

After a minute or two, I heard Dean Protacio sigh so I immediately abandoned my hem and looked up.

"I know you're wondering why I called you here Miss Kirisato." I nodded in response. "I need you to do a task."

"Um, may I know about it sir?" I asked carefully. Dean sighed once again while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I will cut the chase here Miss Kirisato. Mr. Gatchalian has already done a lot of violation and is causing harm to the image of our college. What he needs is someone to discipline him and lead him to the right path. You are chosen for that job Miss Kirisato." My eyes opened wide after hearing that. What?! 

"With all due respect sir, I think Marcus will be much more qualified to do that task. He is our current class president after all." I said calmly trying to get out of this predicament.

Dean Protacio gave me a questioning look. "Are you questioning my decision Miss Kirisato?" He asked which I quickly replied by shaking my head no.

"N-no sir, that's not what I meant." I replied quickly which made me stutter. I should have just kept my mouth shut.

"Good. I don't know what I'm gonna do with that child anymore. This is an order from the school president and his grandfather, Miss Kirisato. I have faith that you will do the job perfectly, the name of our school is at stake. In a snap of the Gatchalian's fingers, they can wipe our university out from the map." Dean explained in a desperate way.

What?! The Gatchalian's are that powerful?

This information shaked me to the bones and I felt like some heroine in a shojo manga because of that sudden responsibility that I feel like the world is riding on my shoulder. But seriously, they can do that? To erase a hundred years old university that has a strong foundation and is already internationally recognized is absurd.

"Dean, this is too much." I reasoned.

"I know Miss Kirisato. I thought the same too but I cannot go againt the orders from the top. I know this is difficult especially for you but his grandfather chose you personally. I don't know why though, they never disclosed that information. You know how influential their family is so I suggest that you think about this carefully. Rest assured that the university will back you up and you can ask me for help."

"I really don't have any say in this right?"

"No you don't Miss Kirisato." Dean replied bluntly.

I took a deep breath and then exhaled, readying myself for the days to come.

"Okay." I replied quietly, blindingly accepting this undesired fate.

"Thank you Miss Kirisato." Dean said while releasing a shaky breath.

Why do I feel like my life is going to turn upside down?


AN: Hello to anyone who have read this. I just want to say thank you for giving this story a chance. I hope that you enjoyed it and I hope to hear from you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2017 ⏰

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