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(Omg guys, i really want to write a smut chapter with Lupita and Poe😂)

I woke up with Poe's arms tightly around my waist. We were laying on sand and Poe was sitting in the Tie fighter chair. There was a parachute attatched to the top of the seat, resting on the ground. It was cold and the sky was pitch black. I whined and touched my head, because it was painful. Sitting, to look at Poe, i noticed that his seatbelt was still on. I unclipped it and took it off his shoulders. His jacket was still in the tie fighter. His brown shirt was dripped with dry blood and covered in dirt. My crop top was dirty and ripped down the middle, exposing my stomach. The rip stopped just under my bra.  

"Poe. Wake up! Poe?" I shook him. He groaned and opened his eyes. "What? What happened?" He asked, sitting up. "I dont know. I think we crashed." I told him. "Are you okay?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "Yeah, my head hurts a little, but thats probably just from the torture. Are you okay?" I said, whincing when i touched my cheek. "Yeah I'm okay, where's Finn?" He asked. I gasped and looked around.

 I scrambled up to my feet and I pulled Poe up. "FINN?" I yelled. No reply. "FINN?" Poe called out, still no reply. We exchanged a worried look. "Where the hell is the ship?" Poe questioned and I shrugged. A breeze swept through the air and blew my top a bit. Goosebumps appeared on my skin and I crossed my arms over my stomach. Jakku is a hot planet but it gets very cold at night. I strted shivering, while looking around for the ship. Poe noticed my shaking and wrapped his arms around my neck, from behind. (Hugging way, not choking.) I put my hands on his forearms and lent my head on his shoulder. "What do we do?" I whispered. "I dont know." He whispered back. 

We were sitting on the sand, talking, passing time until morning. I stood up and walked to the parachute. I ripped off some material, pulled of a small piece of metal and material from the seat, and sat down in next to Poe. I put the fabric in a pile and grabbed a rock. I rubbed the metal against the rock. It started creating sparks and I put near the fabric. Small flames caught my eye. I smiled and arranged the material so it caught on fire. Poe smiled at me, but the grin faded when he saw the sad expression on my face. "What's up, doll?" He asked. I blushed at the nickname and sighed. "Do you think he is..." I trailed off. "I dont know." He replied, understanding that I was asking if Finn was alive.

"You dont know alot of thing!" I joked. "Hey!" He nudged my shoulder. I laughed out of my nose and bit my lip. I watched the fire started to burn out so I ripped more parachute off. I threw it on the fire and sat back down, yawning. "What time is it?" Poe asked. I looked at the sky and searched for the moon. "About 3 am." I told him. "How do you know?" He asked. I sighed, wiped the tears out of my eyes. "Lor San Tekka taught me how to by looking at the moon." I said to him. "Ahh cool." Poe replied. I nodded as I yawned again. "Im gonna try and sleep." I told him. "Okay." I laid down on the sand, my eyes became droopy, and sleep took over me.

~~4 hours later, 7 am~~

I was woken up by myself having a coughing fit. "Are you alright, love?" Poe asked, poking the fire with a stick. "Yeah (sneeze) i think so." I replied. "We have to get back to the resistance." Poe told me. "What about BB-8?" I asked. "We have no idea where we are right now, once we get back to D'qar we can figure out how to get BB back." Poe said to me. I nodded, while trying not to have another coughing fit. "Are you getting sick?" Poe asked. I shrugged and fell back onto the sand. "We need to find some sort of civilization. Someone must have a radio." I said. "I know." Poe replied. "Come on then." I said, standing up. Poe blushed and looked down. 

"What?" I asked, looking down. I gasped and spun around quickly. The rip in my crop top had got bigger and nearly completly torn in half. It exposed some of my bra. I buried my face in my hands and ran to the parachute. I pulled off a very thin strip of metal. I cut off the string that attached the parachute to the chair. I tied the string onto the metal and started sewing the top back together. Once it was sewn up, i tied the bottom into a bow and turned around. "Sorry about that." I apologised. "Its okay." Poe stood up. "Lets go find people." I said, smiling. 

We walked north for about two hours. "Wait." I grabbed Poe's arm. "What?" He asked. "I know this place." I whispered, before sprinting up the sandy hill. "LUPITA! WAIT!" Poe called after me. I ignored him and ran to the village. Tears welled up in my eyes, when I saw the empty village. It was black from the burnt out flames. I spun around trying to take in the devastating sight. I spied my own hut and ran inside. Tears streamed down my cheeks. I saw one of Lors robes. I fell to my knees and picked it up. I held it and cried. "I miss you." I whispered. "Lupita?" I heard Poe's voice. 

I, again, ignored him and ran to my room. I grabbed a bag and started stuffing in all the stuff that will help me remember my 14 years on this planet. I filled it with old clothes and pictures. I put one of Lor's robes in the bag. Poe burst into the room. "Lupita," Poe said, quietly. "Are you ok-" I cut him off. "I'm fine, okay. I need some alone time." I snapped. "Sorry." He mumbled. I sighed and continued to pack. I found a box that i had never seen before. A confused look spread across my face. I opened it, carefully. I noticed a note on top of a metal stick. I started reading the note. 

'Lupita, Dear child, If you're reading this note, something have probably happened to me. I want you to know that I love you like my own. This is a gift from me to you because you deserve it.' 

I took out the stick and realised it was a lightsaber. I gasped and slapped my hand over my mouth. I continued to read the note. 

'It is your Godfathers, Obi-wan Kenobi's, lightsaber. Your mother always said that she wanted you to have one. If you meet her, tell her I am sorry, I am sorry for leaving you. I love you Lupita xx' 

"I love you too." I whispered, holding the note close tho my chest. Put them back into the box and put the box in my bag. I stood up and smiled at Poe. "You ready?" He asked. I looked around, remembering all the amazing times me and Lor had in this hut. I sighed and nodded. He reached out his hand and I took it in my own. He squeezed my hand, gently. We walked out of my room. "I know where a radio is." I told him. I grabbed it from the table and handed it to him. "Thank you." He mouthed. I nodded. 

"Hello? General Organa?" Poe spoke into the radio. "Poe Dameron? You're alive!" I heard my mother exclaim. Tears ran down my face, at the sound of her voice. I let out a sob. Poe wrapped his arm around my waist. "We escaped the First Order, and we crashed on Jakku. Can you send a ship for us?" He asked her. "Who is 'us'?" She asked him. "Oh um, Your daughter." He said. "L-lup-pita's t-there?" She stuttered. "Yes." Poe replied. "Sending a ship right away. We will get your coordinates." She said. "Thank you General." Poe said back, before putting the radio down.

~~30 minutes later~~ 

A ship landed in front of us and General Organa walked out. "MUM!" I yelled, running at her. "Lupita!" She exclaimed. We hugged tightly. "Mum, I missed you so much." I cried. "I missed you too." We pulled away. "Were you alone? Were you alone for 14 years?" She asked, tears running down her cheeks too. "No. Lor san tekka looked after me." I told her. "Good. Good. My darling girl. I am so sorry." She apologied. "Its okay, I forgive you, I love you." I smiled, before i kissed her cheek. "I love you too sweetie." She said back.

We all boarded the ship, and arrived at D'qar shortly after, thanks to light speed. Leia led me straight to my new quarters. "Thank you, mum." I said. "You're welcome." She replied, befire leaving my room. Poe was standing in the door way, smiling. "I got you some new clothes. You know, because yours got ripped." He gave me the clothes. "Thanks!" I kissed his cheek and walked into my bathroom. I changed into the white vest top, but kept my trousers on. I walked out and spun around. "Whatcha think?!" I asked, sitting next to him on the bed. "Better than a ripped crop top." He joked. I smiled and blushed. He nudged my shoulder. "I cant believe I didnt notice that." I said, hiding my face in my hands.

"Some of the pilots are throwing a party tonight. You wanna come meet some people, make some friends?" He asked. "Yeah. I'll come. It'll help me get over what happened on Jakku?" I agreed. "They rip? Or the attack?" Poe asked. "The attack you idiot!" I bumped his shoulder. "Right. Of course." He stood up and I followed. "See you tonight." He said, putting his hand on my waist and kissing my forehead. He walked out and I shut the door. I lent against it and smiled to myself. I squealed a bit and jumped onto my bed. "Oh my god. I have a crush on Poe Dameron." I whispered.

When a Princess met a Pilot ~ Poe Fanfic ~ Star Wars ~Where stories live. Discover now