7. Trigger-Happy.

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"We've got visuals on Lee." Hoseok slapped a photograph of a man exiting a building, dressed head to toe in pure white, down onto the table. The man's thick fingers glimmered with several diamond rings, and his black shoes were shined to perfection.

"....He's kinda hard to miss."

His eyes were hidden by his fedora, but one could make out a sharp nose and a strong jaw.

Seokjin sighed and rested his forehead in his hand.

"I had asked you for recog on the new leader of The Wolves, Hobi. Where is it?"

"Uh... Yeah... About N..."


"Yeah, N. That's what the boys have nicknamed him. N for Neugdae."

"Of course. What about N?"

"They tried cleaning the picture up but..." He slid the picture in front of Seokjin, "As you can see, he's wearing a mask."

Seokjin's eyebrows furrowed as he took in the picture. The man was indeed wearing a black health mask, and he had covered his eyes with tinted glasses even at the dead of night. Clearly, this was a man taking precautions to avoid identification.

"I'm sorry, sir... We just don't have any leads on him yet."

"I don't want an apology, Hoseok. I want results." Seokjin replied calmly, staring at the picture.

"I understand. I've got our boys on the lookout around the usual areas of Wolf activity."

Seokjin got to his feet, walking around his desk to the door at the end of his office. Stepping through, he gestured for Hoseok to follow him. Inside was a massive corkboard covered in a variety of pictures, newspaper clippings, jewel pins, and red thread. Hoseok took a moment to take this all in before speaking.

"You just wanted to do this because it looks cool didn't you."

"Yep." His superior replied, popping the "p."

"Has this actually been of any help?"

"None whatsoever... Yet." He frowned and used a jewel pin to secure the picture of Mr. Lee in a spot a little left to the centre of the corkboard. He then tapped it with a long finger. "Lee's been lying low since we cracked down on him. His drug shipments have stopped coming through. But N's on the other hand..." He circled his finger around the big red question mark he had drawn on a piece of paper and stuck in the middle of the board. "His shipments are virtually undetectable. But they still come through, which is apparent in how he seems to have cornered the market, according to our sources." The finger travelled to a map of South Korea, tracing the coastline and pausing at several spots. "He must have changed routes..."

Hoseok listened to all of this in silence, just processing the information presented to him. His ability to quickly sort through information and identify key issues with ease was one of the reasons he had risen through the ranks of the South Korean police force so quickly, and why he had been transferred to Seoul in the first place.

"At this point, sir, our best bet at finding N seems, to me, to be tracing the shipments back to him. But for that to happen something has to come up on radar. If you like I could put men at the docks."

Seokjin nodded slowly, walking out of the room with Hoseok in tow. "You do that, Hobi. And make sure you continue surveillance of the hotbeds."

"Yes sir."


"Inspector! Inspector Kim!" A young man burst through the office door, frantic and wide eyed.

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