Our Beautiful Ending

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"Get up. Go be a nice, normal person. Show them that you're over the melt down and you're better. Let them know you are not weak. You're better now. You are." I whisper to myself while laying in my comfy bed in my quiet quarter.

Am I? Am I truly okay? I'm talking to myself how okay can I be?

Today will be a good day, I won't cry. I have to show them that I can be a good leader and I won't break again. I'll do my work and be a good leader. Only thing to do is to get up. Now.

My legs moved and slide off the side of the bed. The cold concrete waking up the soles of my feet.

Today will be a good day..


As I'm getting ready I keep telling myself the 3 tasks I have for today:

1.Get my team up and ready to


2.Prepare for the new group

coming in.

3. Prepare for the birthdays


At the end of each month we get a new group of survivors into the compound. Also at the end of the month we all gather in the dinning hall to celebrate that months birthdays. There's too many of us and little baking supplies in the compound to celebrate a new birthday daily so we just do it at the end of the month so we don't over use any supplies. Also because some of us used to use the parties as an excuse to get off duty, but now we have a big party at the end of the month and the next day off. It's our way to have order and balance.

I should probably give you more info on who I am and what all this compound crap is about.

First, my name is Lauren Wilson and I'm 18. I have long curly brown and blue eyes. I like to say that I'm tall but I guess I'm average height. I used to be a really happy person before I came to the compound, but I knew I had to stand up and be brave and ready to fight. And I guess that's what made me so hard and distant today. That and all the lost I've suffered from. My friends from before the compound call me Lo, but there aren't too many of those friends left around now.

The compound I keep talking about is a compound for any survivors of the war. The war wasn't anything to terrifying at first until our enemies started using a much more advanced form of defense. They made a virus that was meant to just give everyone an allergic reaction effect but what they didn't know was the long term effect of this virus. The virus began as welps and rashes then people would turn into nothingness, motionless.. Then one day, anyone who was effected suddenly turned. There was violent crazy people all around, but they were the ones that were barely effected. The ones with a lot of the virus in them eventually turned into walkers. Walkers took over and anyone who was in search of safety came here to the compound where I am now. I was one of the first to get here since my family was in the military and ever since my mom and dad moved to a different compound I am now a leader here.

There is 5 teams. My team, we take on all of the guarding and any major missions. My best friends Trey and Lynn share a team. Lynn is tall and slim, she's very muscular but not in a gross body builder way, She's got soft blonde hair and light eyes. She's never let herself break and I'm jealous of her for that. She keeps it together as I am constantly falling apart. She's kind of my rock you could say. Trey is a very good looking guy with his Grecian looks. He's tan and all muscles with dark hair and green eyes. Let's just say he's got all the teenage girls ( and a few of the older women's ) eyes on him at all times. They're team also guards and mostly goes out to look for supplies.

Next team is Jake's. He may look like the average jock, boy next door but he's really stern and protective over the people close to him (which I'm happy I am in that tight circle of people). He also doesn't take any crap and he gets his job done which is always a good thing. His team goes out every day to hunt for any walkers. After his team is Melody's, whose older than the rest of the leaders but not at heart, she's got wild curly red hair and a huge smile. She's kind of like the momma bear of the community. She's part of the welcoming committee and she mostly helps with the community and her team only fights when there is an emergency. But don't doubt that when Melody is called out for an emergency she changes into a bad bitch, no play, and I respect her for that.

And lastly Miranda's team, they go and look for survivors twice a week. Take one look at her and you know you won't want to mess with her. She has raven black hair and piercing green eyes. She's got a hard edgy exterior and she's the bravest person I know but when she comes across someone hurt or scared she can be just like a sweet bunny. Her team is full of big tough guys and sweet talking, motherly girls. Guys for protection, girls to help any survivors.

"Hey, the new group came in, there's about 20 to 30 survivors. I saw some familiar faces so maybe we'll see some one from home." Lynn says disrupting my thoughts. She's the only real friend I have left from before the compound.

"I have to wake up my team and then we can go check them out. Meet you in the plaza in 15 minutes." I say to Lynn. She responds with a nod and turns on her heels to leave.

So much has changed but I'm happy I still have her. Too many people look at me as the strict leader who has lost everything and never shows emotion. I just don't like to get hurt, I don't let anyone new in because what if they leave like almost everyone else already. Plus I'm happy with my two best friends and my few acquaintances, no one more.


How do you like it so far? It's my fist story ever and I'm pretty excited! This is all based off a dream I had that was really crazy but I usually have super wacky dreams and this one I just felt like I needed to add on to it. Please rate comment and tell me if you like it or if it seems really random and jumbled. I love anyone who reads this and I'm just really excited to do this!


Kenzie :)

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