Chapter Three

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Micheal walked over to his friend who looked like her smile had been held back with pins. Something was defiantly wrong. His pace slowed down as he showed his friend a suspicious look.

"What have you done now?" Micheal sighed as he placed his hands on his hips.

"I have literally no idea what you're talking about." she snickered.

"Yea, sure you don't" He defeatedly agreed, "can we just get our coffee?"

Swiftly they moved on and were now stuck on what beverage to get, well Camille was anyway.Looking around, the place was quite calming. Draping from the large scale windows  were golden white fairy lights which spread all the way around the store. Oak Wooden tables were scattered with matching cushioned chairs; there was even a few couches and the classic coffee table to match in a couple of the corners. In front of him was a male barista who looked like he hadn't slept in days and would rather boil his head than listen to Camille take two years to order her special  Instagram worthy drink.

"It's either between a Citrus Berry Passion refresher or the vanilla latte," Camille finally mumbled.

"I waited ALL this time just for you to get a plain old vanilla latte?!" he exclaimed 

"Not just any vanilla latte, a STARBUCKS vanilla latte" She joked.

"Whatever," he mumbled as he ordered a cappuccino with extra cream.

They took a three seater table because most of the two seaters were taken and they decided it would be better if they had more room, to take photos that is. Camille was still acting seemingly suspicious but he brushed it off and took a few more photos for her. He'd regretted not looking around at the other people in the cafe better because when she claimed she wanted another cake she'd left him alone at the table.

He quietly took a sip from his cappuccino, failing terribly because all he got was a mouth and face full of cream. While trying to get most of it off he didn't expect to get a helping hand, a familiar smooth hand. Joseph's hand.

Next thing he knew Joseph's hand was heading for his face, Micheal didn't move. The boy of his dreams had just stroked cream off his face. He was frozen as both their faces turned crimson,

"Uhhh, sorry about that i just saw you there and-" Joseph stammered but before he finished his sentence Micheal interrupted

"N-no it's completely fine?" He said trying to process what just happened.

For a moment they just stared, then that moment was broken when Eve almost snapped the table in half. Being honest her presence really didn't surprise him any more.

"So, anyway Camille called me over and said you two were totally all lovey dovey and i couldn't miss that, " She said as she took a sip from Micheal's coffee 

Joseph looked at Eve who clearly didn't like the coffee but continued drinking it anyway, then he looked at Micheal.

He ran out of Starbucks and didn't look back. Through the large windows you could see him with his head in his hands.

"Well that went well" Camille said sarcastically as she took a bite out of the muffin she bought.

"When am i going to get that chance again" He groaned as he hung his head and placed it on the table which was now joined by Eve.

Out of the blue, he had a great idea. He noisily rose from his seat scraping the chair legs on the floor; it turned a few heads but it didn't matter he told him self as he confidently stormed towards the exit.

"Go get 'em tiger" Eve whispered as she finished off the rest of his coffee.

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