Chapter 4//two mates?

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*pic is a photo I took when i went somewhere*
Hey my little hybrid sorry o haven't uploaded in a while it's just I've been busy and plus I have gotten my phone taken off me so I could not upload..sorry well enjoy the chapterrrrr

Eva's PoV

I stopped rapidly and pushed my mate I was about to kiss away from me ,confused! It is not possible to have two mates is it ? I tried to take to the moon goddess "mum....mum!!!..." But no on answered meaning this is up too me

I looked up to see my mate that I pushed away have a hurt expression on his face,feeling guilty I decided that u shouldn't deny any of them and figure this out.

Is all I heard before I heard pleads of mothers and screams of daughters

My mate ran up to me rapidly and just as he reach out his muscular hands for me to grab,but shock took over my body and I just stood there...frozen in one spot feeling the world fade from my vision,the last thing I saw was my mates fighting trying to get too me,then the darkness took over my vision

Daniels PoV

I smelt something sweet while I was sat on my sofa at the pack house my wolf Rex said *mateeeeee hmmm* all I could reply with was a hum of satisfaction.

Walking to where the smell was I saw a beautiful girl run at the speed of lightning towards me ,red,blue,gold and many other colours swirling in her beautiful icy blue eyes .

She looked at me and whispered the one word I have wanted to heard for ages *mate* when she said it we ran up to each other embracing one another in a blissful hug

I looked up and looked down at her plump lips and leaned in to kiss my beautiful mate till I heard a loud noise and I got shoved backwards by my mate all I saw after that was red

my vision was clouded by anger once I saw a man with a evil grin on his face and a lustful look in his eyes hit my baby on the bake of her head making her drop to the floor like a feather.

I looked at him and let out a ferocious growl that shook the trees and jumped up shifting into my black wolf Rex ready to kill him,red was all I could see till I was snapped out of my trance by getting knocked whilst jumping by a brown wolf, I jumped up and so did he we met in the middle and fought till the other component was dead


Wow I'm sorry this is really short it's just that my mum came upstairs ,well I'll be uploading soon by my little hybrids 🐆

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