Chapter one...

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I was down at the cabin reading one of my many battle tactics Manuals. I had a large collection of books, most of which where fighting strategies, but every now and then you'd find a book on... Other subjects. One of which I always kept on hand for... Emergency purposes. I closed the book And put it into a separate treasury-bag on my person. I take a good look around my room, stretching from my bunk bed and sliding down the stairway. My sachuel bouncing freely around my waist. I tighten it. It's almost been a year now since we've set sail. Four since our town's first attack. Ever since, the attacks have almost bin annual. Our town was bled dry of our money and resources. My bro and I saved what we could and eventually we made enough to build ourselves a boat and leave the horrible place. Not everyone was that lucky though. One day we will go back, I promised them I would. We'll find a way to help.

Paps: "heya bro! You doing alright?"
Blue star: (Yah. I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?)
Paps: "hm. So you haven't Herd yet huh? Well, better hearing it from me then anyone else then."
Blue star: (What do you...?)
Paps: "our watcher had spotted a ship circling us just off the horizon. They're flying the Jolly Roger."
I felt all the color immediately drain from my bones and a chill run up my spine. The Jolly Roger. I remember the first time I saw one... Up close. It was a long weekend at the navy. Training was rough, and the summer heat didn't help in the least bit...

FLASHBACK: navy sentry station

Blue star: "I can't believe they said I couldn't graduate this year!"
I kicked over a small trash bin, knocking out all its contents.
Blue star: "Not strong enough?! Too young?! NOT ENOUGH EXPERIENCE!!! Well how am I supposed to have any experience at all if you won't let me join!"
I started to pace up and down my station. They gave me a post in between the edge of the mountain and the start of the forest so I wouldn't... Be any trouble. I guess they don't really believe in me, not like my brother does.
Blue star: "wha..? What was that?"
Birds flew towards my direction and away from where the town should be. I saw A trail of a smoke plumb center just outside the horizon of the forest.
Blue star: "That's where the town is! Hm... Well as a navy officer in training, it's my duty to protect our citizens. And... (Gulp) check out anything... Suspicious."
I walked through the forest and slowly edged towards the town. Even though it was still pretty far, I could already smell smoke and hear the crackling of the fire that was now spreading quickly into the forest and towards my direction.

Everything started to burn around me. It was bright and... Hot. I felt like it was hard to breath, despite my body's lack of lungs. All the trees where glowing around me, and suddenly there where a lot of chard dead trees too. Those where not burning. Those where dead. And suddenly I was at the edge of town, furthest from the peer, and closest to the mountain. Everything was burning around me. The roofs, the walls, the clutter on the streets. People where evacuating towards the bay?, so I guess that's where I'll go too. But first, make sure that everyone made it out of the burning buildings.
Blue star: "Hello!"
It was quiet. Everything seemed like white noise to me. There was no one here, this was starting to get spooky.
Blue star: "... OH MY STARS! BROTHER! Brother! Where are you?"
I dashed towards my house closer to the center of town... It was engulfed in flames.
Blue star: "Oh no. No no no no no. (Sobbing) brother. Please. Where are you?"
Paps: (S... Sans! Is that you. Oh my god, there you are! I was so worried.)
Blue star: "brother! What's going on? Where is everyone?"
Paps: (Sigh. Everyone's gone sans. The navy took all the remaining survivors to the base. We need to go now.)
he took my hand and lead me down one of the navy's emergency escape tunnels to the top of the mountain...

We got to the edge of the mountain just outside of the safety base. We were still inside the caves but there was a large hole overlooking the coast from the top. That's when I saw it. Right as we stopped, passing us was a gigantic ship, so big that there top flag reached within easy view of the cave. What I saw sent shivers down my spine, and would scar me for the rest of my life. Right in front of me passed a giant black flag, sporting the decapitated head of a skeleton and a pair of disembodied bones layered over each other like a huge X.
Paps: (That's the Jolly Roger. If you ever see that bro, stay well enough away from... Oh god. Sans... Don't look down. Please.)
despite my brothers protest, I needed to see. I looked down right onto the deck of the ship and saw alphas. Our navy leader. Strapped to a pole in the center of the ship and blind folded. Someone was in front of her. They had something shiny in there hands.
Paps: (Sans, cover your eyes.)
Blue star: "why papy? What are they going to do to..."
paps: (Sans just! Sigh... Just close your eyes ok. It'll be over soon.)

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