Chapter 5: captains first mate

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I don't remember anything after that. What I could only assume was the very next day, I woke up on a cod-hammock wearing different cloths than what I was wearing yesterday. I could feel the ground below me move and sway like the waves of the ocean. The air around me smelling salty and humid but with a cool breeze coming from a neer by doorway that I didn't dare go near. On the other side of the door, from its slightly ajard borders I could see a thin outline of blinding light and hear the many voices, bells, and whistles of a busy deck. (Oh, so you're finally awake hm?) it was that pirate again... The one that.... The one that captured me last night! That's right, my memory was just coming back to me now...

(Avast ye sea squids! All hands on deck!) error called out to his crew, climbing aboard his ship, and toting a shivering little skelikid behind him. (Eye captain!) (Set sail for the seas boys, I got 'er what I came for.) he gently bounced upward his little prize, slightly showing off his catch of the night like a moonlit bounty. The rest of his crew saluted there captain and ran off to there stations, hoisting the flag and pulling up the anchor, the Jolly Roger was on the move. (So cap? Whatcha gunna do wot with the likes of the lil squirt?) gold tooth asked fallowing close behind them. (Ain't it obvious? I'm gonna keep 'em. Be a real shame if I just killed him after such a long and rewarding hunt. Hil-be my lil trophy. Especially if... Heheheh, but that's my lil secret for another time.) (Ya planinn on makin' him a part o yo crew?) error paused at this and took a moment to consider the curious thought... (Perhaps... That certainly would be an interesting trade now wouldn't it.) he waved off his curious little maty before entering into his cabin on the top of the deck. (Make em a part o the old crew eh? The son of my long deceased ENIMY... Now there's a delicious idea. Ain't that right... My little blue star?)

After that I couldn't remember any more. I guess I passed out from fear. Ugh, weak. (So, are you ready to start?) "um...m?... Start what?" (Heh, work obviously. As of today, you are the newest member of my pirates crew!) "uh... Um... Oh.... Ok, I guess." At least he wasn't going to kill me. For now anyways. But I.... I should probably be careful still. Papy told me that pirates are merciless and evil. "Wh... What should I do?" He was smiling at me, I GUESS that means I was doing good? It still made me feel incredibly uncomfortable though. (Gold tooth, get in here will ya!) (Eye captin, you called?) a brim n burly skeleton with jagged teeth like a sharks entered thrugh the cabin doors. (Take the young bloke to the fishin' nets and set him up with a red snapper trap. I want ya to show 'em the ropes. Heh.) (eye ye cappin!) the strange skelly waved me over to follow him, I looked over to the captain, uncertain of what to do. He gave me a short nod and before I knew it I was already following the sharp toothed skeleton to the other side of the large ship. (Pay attention kid, this is the bow of the ship, it's where we set off all our nets for fishing. You see those men over there?!) he pointed to a couple of dog monsters that where bringing in large catfish from the sea. I nodded. (They're bringing in the big fish to that port opening over there. That leads to our chefs quarters.) he pointed to a big window like hole that the men where dropping off the big fish. I nodded again. (You catch sumt' good, you toss 'er in there. Common, let's set ya up with your equipment.) he gave me some really big rope with funny looking traps attached to the ends of it. He called them lobster traps, I guess that's what I was fishing for. He stayed with me for the rest of the day teaching me how to set the traps, bait them, and pull them out when they where full. We ended up pulling fifteen traps out of the sea during the day, but we had to throw a lot of the catch out because they weren't big enough. He said I did good. I'm glad. I know I really shouldn't be but, I'm kind of happy that I'm here. I've never bin a member of anything before, even while I was training in the navy. I knew they where never really ganna let me join. (Hey, good job today squirt. You really gave it your all) "r...really?" (I should say so, perhaps I was wrong after all. Neither the less, I'm quite glad you're here. And I'm sure, in due time, you'll make an excellent pirate.) my face started to flush again. But I wasn't crying this time, I just felt.... Weird. "Um... Th... Thank you. No ones ever really said that to me before." I more than just mumbled the last part unintelligible but I'm almost curtain, with that strange smile on his face, that he heard it. (Oh, hammock! Why don't you take our new little matey here to meet our crews chef?) (Eye captin! Heya kiddo, why dontcha follow me. I'll introduce you ta grillz.) I looked to the captain and he nodded again, so I followed hammock into the kitchen. He was different than the last one. Lazier. He had a slouched and carefree stance a lot like my brother. (Heya grillz! Cappin' wanted you to meat the new recruit.) a large fire monster turned to my direction and gave a short nod to me before going back to his work. (Hey kid, com'er for a sec. Listen, the first couple o days here on deck are always the toughest. If ya need anything or just someone to talk to... I'm here for ya.) I nodded. He really was a lot like my brother... I missed him

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