Chapter 1

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{Copyright © 5secondsofmahone All rights reserved.}

{No part of this book may be used without the author's permission, except if the book will be used for critical articles or reviews. This book is a fan fiction. The happenings in the book are just from the author's imagination and therefore, is not real. Any actual events that happen are just coincidental. No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form without no permission from the author.}

Chapter 1: Angela's POV

My names Angelica, but some people call me Angel. I'm pretty lonely, I don't really have any friends, except for Alexa. And I don't have a boyfriend.

The most contact I've had with a boy, is if I'm asking him a question about class, and he looks me in the eye for like, two seconds.

I guess I've had a couple of crushes on a couple of boys, most of them are funny dorks with cute smiles.

But this one kid in my class, named Austin, he makes me feel like I am floating on clouds.

Although I've never actually talked to him, or anything.

I've seen all his youtube videos, and I must say that his voice is really impressive. And I just really want him to be mine. To be held in his strong, loving arms. To have his smooth, warm voice sing me asleep and...


I didn't even realize that I was staring directly at Austin.

"I'm sorry Miss. Bernard."

"As I was saying class..."

Aw, the face that Austin makes when he's focused is so cute. You can see this little furrow he makes in his forehead, and his fingers as they lightly tap the desk, while he bounces one knee just waiting for class to be over.

"So class that is your homework, and I want it on my desk first thing Thursday morning. Class dismissed."

All the students left until just Mrs, Bernard and I were in the room.

"Um, Miss. Bernard?"


"Could you tell me what our assigned homework is?"

"Angelica, you've got to stop daydreaming in class."

"I know and I'm sorry Miss. Bernard"

"Alright here's your homework."

"Thank you." I stated.

"Angelica, is there anything bothering you that's causing you to daydream? Problems at home? Boys? Stress?"

"Well I'll tell you one thing Miss. Bernard, boys are not the problem!"


"Okay, well, make sure to get that homework done and I'll see you later."

"Ok, thank you! Bye!"

~hey guys so I'm cassandra and this is my new fanfic! I hope you all like it!💕

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