Back to the Clans

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One day, as I was sharpening my claws, Tigerstar came up to me. I noticed Hawkfrost in the shadows his eyes gleaming with pride, evilness, and- wait! was it just a drop of sadness?
Tigerstar broke through my thoughts and my attention was once again turned to him."You are ready."
I was confused. "Ready for what?"
"To crush the clans of course! The day you've been waiting for."
I leapt up in excitement. Finally! I would shred the clans! I'd make them wish they never even lived! I'd-
"Farewell,Goldenpaw. I'll be there for you when you need me. Just call," Hawkfrost meowed quietly.
"Thank you," I meowed touching his muzzle affectionately,"I just hope you'll be awake!"
He growled in mock anger. "How could you? I don't sleep all day you know!"
I was about to respond but right then, I was sucked into a dark hole with light at its end.
My body was in agony. I felt as if my body was being torn in two, twisted and turned, in ways they shouldn't be. Through my pain, a sudden memory shot up. I remembered this same pain from another time.
My thoughts were stopped abruptly when I was suddenly falling. I crashed on to the ground with no grace at all. My chest heaved up and down, breathing deeply and I waited impatiently for the pain to ebb.
"Stop," a voice said. What do you think I'm doing?!,"What are you doing on Thunderclan terri-" he stopped in mid-sentence as I suddenly jumped up and slammed into him.
"Honeyleaf!What are you doi-" At that moment he realized I wasn't whoever he thought I was.  He had been defending himself, but now he leapt at me. I easily side-stepped but was not prepared for him to suddenly turn and crash into me.
"So, what are you doing on Thunderclan territory?" he meowed.
"Actually, I fell out of the sky and landed he-" He's my enemy! What am I doing?! I tried to leap at him again but I couldn't. My paws seemed to be stuck to the Starclan cursed ground. I only stared at him;at his intense, sun colored amber eyes while he stared into my sapphire blue eyes. After a few heartbeats, I dropped my gaze. I heard a voice whisper furiously,What are you doing?! Kill him now! He tortured you as a kit! And now all you can do is stare?!
But I didn't kill him there. I had better brains than that voice, aka Hawkfrost.
"I want to join Thunderclan." I meowed.
"I can't decide that, we must get Firestar's approval first."
I dipped my head and let him lead the way.

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