i miss you - jack j

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- requested by johnsoninabox ( on instagram )

i sat on the beach. the breeze was hitting my face and my hair was in my face. i closed my eyes. this is where i met jack.

i met him while i was surfing. it was like love at first sight. he was with sammy, bazzi and gilinsky. gilinsky was pretty attractive same as bazzi and sam but something about johnson. he gave me this warmth feel when i was by him and he always had good vibes. but, when we started dating that all changed. he wasnt the johnson i met at the beach.

johnson started drinking heavily and smoking. gilinsky told me his just stressed and i shouldn't worried about it so much. but that went on for days into weeks into months. i myself was getting stressed and didnt know what to do. it was when i made up my mind, that me and jack should break up. i talked to gilinsky about it and he said that it was good for the both of us.

later that day i spoke to jack about him and i. he was heart broken. but it good for the both of us and every memory we had together it was kept in my heart he was the first love of my life and I couldn't ask more from him.

"noel? Is that you?" i looked over and saw jack standing there with a surf board.

i stood up and brushed the sand off of me. "hey johnson" i smiled he gotten a lot more taller than last time and he finally got a hair cut.

"what you doing here so early?" he laughed his smile oh how i miss it.

"i kinda miss this place you know i dont come here like i used to, i kinda stop after me and you broke up" i looked down.

"yeah same. i miss you so much noel. i come here everyday just to see if you were here. the guys told me just to give up and stop. but here you are standing right infront of me"

"did you ever tell your parents that we ended ?"

he scratched the back of his head " no. they loved you if they find out we broke up and that it was my fault they be so upset with me"

"you know i still saved the text messages from me and you...i read them when i miss you." i laughed i felt a tear going down my face.

"wait you miss me.. after all the shit i did to you and how I mentally and emotionally abused you."

i sighed i dont want to remember about those past it's hurts to much to talk about it. when jack started drinking he used to abused me not physically but mentally and emotionally and it changed me. i started having depression and i hardly ate anything. but i seeked some helped and it helped with everything my depression and i started eating right.

"yes jack i still miss you. so much"

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