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Gwen's POV
I put on my comfiest sweater, it's blue and has long sleeves then I realized its also what I was wearing when I first kissed Peter. I was about to change when mom yelled
"The school bus is here!"
I enter my high school and notice the kissing couples more than ever now. I feel like they are all mocking my misery. I hear many "Glad to see you Gwen!" And many more "Happy you came to school today!" The thought was kind but no one could have cheered me up, that is, except for Peter. He knew how to make me life during the hardest times but now I don't even have him!
The warning bell rings so I hustle to Literature class. I pass Peter Parker in the hallway and don't even glance his way. Only us two in the hallway. One week ago, we would have taken this opportunity to at least say "I love you" but now the hallway is filled with awkward silence.
I make it to my seat right as the last bell rings and my teacher begins some boring lecture about emotion. Some points she said made me want to cry for both my father and Peter. Soon, Peter comes in late, as always. As he's making his way to the seat directly behind me, she says
"Glad to see you Mr. Parker. At least I can count on you always being late!" I almost laugh at this statement because it could not be more true. Every date (except for the one time I met him at his house) he was late. We almost didn't make it into the concert because he was fifteen minutes late! I notice an embarrassing smile creep over my solemn face just remembering when he was mine. I immediately erase it and realize Peter is talking.
"It won't happen again-I promise."
"Don't make promises you can't keep Mr. Parker." Scoffed the professor.
Only seconds later, after our teacher begun the lesson again, I heard Peter whisper so softly that only I could hear.
"Yeah but those are the best kind!"
I slowly regain that embarrassing smile but this time, I don't try to fight it!

Peters POV
I got to school earlier than usual today, but Gwen was already here. As the warning bell rings, she starts walking briskly, right past me. I remember when we would use times alone in the hallway to show our love. She was wearing the long sleeve blue sweater-the one she had on when we first kissed.
I stood at my locker thinking when the last bell rang. I took my time down the hallway, trying to decide if I should make up with Gwen. I get some water then enter the classroom. My teacher said
"Glad to see you Mr. Parker. At least I can count on you always being late!"
I saw my chance to tell Gwen, and I decided to take it!
"It won't happen again-I promise." I reply.
"Don't make promises you can't keep Mr. Parker."
As I adjust my books, I quietly say to Gwen
"Yeah but those are the best kind."
I wait for her reaction. Since I am sitting behind her, it was hard to tell but I noticed that her cheeks flexed, producing a smile only Gwen can. Even though I just broke another promise, everything about it felt right.

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