♡ two ♡

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Sooo my den isn't really a den, it's a cave thing that I found when I was on a run and decided to decorate.

With permission from the Alpha and Luna of the pack of course. They though it would be good for me to have a place for my own.

Since I'm I fox girl. I think they heard that from one of the other packs. I don't really mind it.

So it's mine and I painted it, and added some windows but that's really all. Me and Trina love it and it's our home away from home.
Pic here of outside of the den

  I walk to my den and saw Trina sitting on the rocks waiting for me

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I walk to my den and saw Trina sitting on the rocks waiting for me.

"Hay you wanted for me long" I yelled as I waved to trina.
Pic of trina

" No I just sat down we going in

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" No I just sat down we going in." She said with her as she stepped in the cave.

I ran into my den like always
Pic of cave inside

Trina runs into the teepee and I jump onto the bed like we normally do

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Trina runs into the teepee and I jump onto the bed like we normally do.

We talk about our day how it's been and things like that. Then we get on our phones just normal teen things.

"Soooooo your turning 18 in two days. You exited to find your mate?"

Trina is 3 months older than me. She hasn't found her mate yet and we hope that our mates are in the same pack. Hopefully the moon goddess has it covered.

"I am a little scared not just about my mate but about the pack. You know because of the crimson moon pack and all."

The Crimson Moon Pack is a really hard core pack that kills anyone who comes in there way. Rumor has it that there pack reeks of blood and skulls are hung up on door frames.

That's were they get there name from. It is not a place for me, mostly because my fox is tiny compared to a wolf, we'll not tiny but little.

" Get that fucking pacifier out your mouth, we are going for a run. Your almost 18 you need to be focused on your mate not this stupid pack." Trina said as she playfully throws a pillow at me.

Me and Trina both took off our clothes and put them in a corner of the den, and shifted

Alaisha P.O.V

After miya let me take control of our body and I'm in my fox form

Pic of Alaisha

I turn and see that Jesse has shifted too

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I turn and see that Jesse has shifted too.

Jesse is Trina's wolf. She is a sand colored wolf and compared to me she's pretty big. But she's a pretty normal sized wolf.
Pic of Jesse

   After going out side of the den I had a idea

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After going out side of the den I had a idea.

I went up to Jesse and bit her ankle playfully, and I was off.

We chased after each other in a wired tag, I think?

At one point I thought I smelt peppermint and nut Meg, which is me and Miya's favorite thing ever. I wanted to follow it so badly, but Jesse bite my tail, and that snapped me out of what ever that was.

I chased Jesse all the way around the pack territory and got back to the cave.After we got back to the den, we shifted back and I gave back control to Miya.

Miya P.O.V.

I gained control back from Alaisha and got dressed.

Alaisha also told me to hit trina for her. Alaisha has never proven me wrong so I did.

" aaww what the fuck was that for Miya" Trina said anoyed and confused.

" Alaisha told me to do it ask Jesse about it but other then that you ready to go home." I said giggling

"Yah come on." Trina said as she claimed out the window.

"I'm coming I'm coming, but not out the window. I'm going out the door likea normal person."

"Fuck doors, a windows way more fun". Trina said as she closed the window.

We walked home together but split ways because we lived in two different pack houses.


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Okay so hi again hope you like this story so far.
700 words

Big bad Alpha's cute little fox ( Clg ) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now