Chapter 12

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"I don't care, I can't take this damned thing a day longer!" I shout as I pull myself onto my feet, my right leg was fine, it healed really fast, before the initial 2 weeks, but now they want me in the chair for another week because my right leg isn't healing nearly as fast.

What do they expect? I've had part of my bone permanently removed. They want me in the chair for another week, to max out the initial 2 weeks, but I'm fine enough to stand and walk around with crutches.

Neymar tries to push me back down into the chair, but I easily escape him and push him into the chair. He sits in it and glares at me.

"You're not well enough, you're going to hurt yourself again." He pouts

"Cheer up would you, I'm standing here."

"Yeah, and now that you're standing, how you gonna get anywhere? I'm not giving you the crutches." He crosses his arms, stubborn like his father, but I'm even more stubborn

"Like this." I grab the back of the wheelchair, and hobble towards my crutches.

"Well, you're smart." Neymar sighs

"Thanks Hon." I grin and adjust myself on the crutches

"So now what? You can walk?"

"It's better than sitting."


"Why does it always have to result in an activity? Can't I just walk by myself without having to run a marathon?"

"Okay fine, I just want you to be okay."

"I'm better now." I sit on the bed, and Neymar wheels himself to sit across from me, grabbing my cast and pulling it up to rest on his lap.

"Does it still hurt?" He asks lowly

"Most of the time." I admit

"How bad?"

"About a 6."

"Do you need your pills?" He asks

"Just for my head."

Katie walks past my open doorway, and I close my eyes. She's pretty much everywhere, most of the time, Neymar sitll doesn't know about her. I notice the look he's giving me, he thinks I'm lying, but the headache medication makes her go away for a while.

"Headache too?"

"Yeah, I feel one coming on." I shrug


"The stuff for my ankle doesn't really work. It's not strong enough."

"Okay. I'll be right back."

I move my foot and he gets out of the chair, heading towards his room, he basically took them from me last time I tried to take more than I was supposed to, but that was a bad day for my foot and my head. I grab the water bottle on my nightstand just as he comes in.

"Thanks." I mumble

"What's on your mind Jax? You seem a little off."

"Well... I've been thinking, since everything is calmer now..."


"Well, I figured we could settle a bit. Get a proper house, one that we don't have a past in."

"It sounds nice." He seems a little uncertain, I don't blame him, our lives are not like most

"How do you feel about kids?" I ask, with a grin

"I..." He stops short, staring blankly at my face

"I mean, just hypothetically, how do you feel about them?"

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