Part 2

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Magnus couldn't recognize his old friend anymore. He had the same body and the same face but this person wasn't James. Now he had something bad and demonic:" What do you want from me, James?" James laughed and pointed to the chair:" Sit down." Magnus couldn't move an inch:" I said sit down." His voice was still calm but at the same time really intensive and direct. When Magnus still doesn't moved James rolled his eyes and went over to Magnus. Magnus couldn't move back because he felt the cold wall behind his back. A few meter before Magnus James stood there and snapped with his finger. Suddenly Magnus could barely breathe and he felt something cold around his neck. It was a thick iron chain. One end was around Magnus' neck and the other end lay in James' hand:" I tried to be nice but when you don't want to listen I need to tread you like the filthy creature you are." His voice was calm but you could clearly hear that he enjoyed this whole situation. James turned around and when he walked over to the operation chair he pulled the chain with him and Magnus doesn't have a chance and could only follow him. Magnus' legs trembled and he didn't knew when he felt so helpless and frightened the last time in his whole life. James sat Magnus down on the chair and tied the chains. He strapped Magnus' arms and legs tightly to the chair and then he sat down on a stool beside Magnus. He stroke with his cold hand over Magnus' cheek and sighed:" Magnus, I want you to know that I really respect you as my dearest friend. I loved you like a brother, like a son and like my other part. I think it's such a waste that I need to do this to you but I don't have another choice." Magnus tried to escape the chains but his magic still doesn't worked:" Shit, James! What do you want from me? What is your plan?" Magnus had so many questions but this was the one he wanted to know the most. The fate that awaits him here.

Alec couldn't stand still and he only thought about Magnus and about a way to find him. Cat tried to track Magnus but James' spell was really strong and it was hard to break. Izzy and Clary tried to find new information and traveled to the last known place where James lived. It was really difficult for Jace to convince Alec to stay in the institute. He knew how Alec felt and that he wouldn't be any of help:" Alec, you need to calm down a little. Magnus-" "No Jace! You know what type of guy James is and you know what he had done! We need to find him! We need to!!" The anger inside Alec grow bigger and bigger. Jace grabbed Alec' arms so that he could look him intensive and compassionate into the eyes:" Alec..." And that was all it took to see Alec' true feelings. Alec only looked to his brother and said nothing and Jace didn't said anything, too until Alec' eyes were filled with tears. But they wasn't only filled with tears also with deep sadness and pain. Slowly the tears rolled down Alec' cheeks because there was no space in his eyes anymore:" Jace, what should I do? I...I can't...Magnus..." Alec couldn't say a whole sentence but he didn't need to because Jace and Alec understood each other without words and they knew what the other felt and wanted because through their bond they are one. He led go of Alec' arms and hugged him tightly. Alec buried his face into Jace' neck and you could hear his crying and Jace felt the tears on his neck:" Alec, we will find him and we won't let Magnus...die." Jace hold up Alec' head and looked into his eyes again:" You are my brother, my Parabatai and when you say that Magnus is your life then I will do everything to find and rescue him because my determination is to protect YOUR life. We all will do our best but you need to be strong. For him. For Magnus." Alec stood up straight again, wiped the tears away and nodded to his brother. Jace was right. He needed to be strong for Magnus, his only reason to live.

James took a dirty scalpel and strokes it over Magnus' cheek:" You know that your father is a very strong demon and his blood purse through your veins, his strength is in your body and you have the same mark like him. Many creatures want exactly this and I'M the one who can procure it." Does James really want his mark? Want to kill him:" James, it can't be true. We...we are friends. Have you forget what we went through? What we experienced? You are more than a friend. We You can't forget all of this." James leaned forward to Magnus and their faces were just a few centimeters apart:" There isn't a family, Magnus. Our people are made for so much more and the only thing that held us back is the mundane part in us." "What...what do you mean?" James sat up again and suddenly his eyes got completely black:" It's like I said. The thing that makes us immortal is the demon blood and the only thing that will die is the mundane part in us, the weak part and what's left is perfection and strength." "No! The human in us makes us to the one we are and without it we are nothing then demons!" James laughed:" Without it we are strong. It's our determination, Magnus. We are made for eternity and when everything will end we are still here. I know that you are afraid of it, afraid that you will be like your father so I do you a favor with all this. I will kill you and you don't have to say goodbye to your memories, your friends and loved ones, from your Alec Lightwood. You will never lose them; you will lose no one anymore because you will die together with the mundane inside of you." Magnus couldn't hold back his tears anymore. He cried and all the emotions he held back the whole time showed. His cries got louder and more pleading but the only thing he could think of was Alec. Magnus knew that some day he would lose Alec but he never wanted Alec to experience this pain, ever. He don't want that Alec must say goodbye to him.

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