(Y/N's p.o.v) Location - The team 10 house 10am "Jake!" I yelled, pulling the duvet over my head. "Wake up!" He said picking me up. I squealed, making Tessa walk out of her room. Jake finally put me down on the sofa. I saw Tessa at the top of the stairs, she looked....annoyed. She walked away and back into her room. "Ja-" I began. I looked over and saw him, he was looking down at someone and swaying. "Oh" I murmured. He turned around and I looked up again. Ugh, another girl. I stood up and walked to the kitchen, my top exposing my left shoulder. I felt someone's hand pat my back. I looked next to me and saw Nick. "H-hey Nick" I said, trying to hold back the tears. "Hey, you go up, I'll bring your food when it's ready" "Thanks" I said. I gave him a short hug and ran upstairs. I slammed the door behind me and jumped on mine and Jake's bed. I heard footsteps come near the door. I sat on the edge of the bed with my head in my hands. "Um, Y/N can you leave please?" Jake said. "Oka-" I got interrupted "Uhm Jake baby, who is this?" She said clinging to his arm. "She's just a friend babe" he said, turning her around and kissing her. I got up and grabbed my 3 suitcases. I put all my clothes in them, I had to carry a bag with some in too. I took all of them into Tessa's room.
(Tessa's p.o.v) I was laid on my bed, I heard Jake in the other room. "She's just a friend babe" I huffed to myself when I heard my door open. Y/N stormed in and took all of her stuff to my wardrobe. I got up and opened it and moved some of my stuff so she could put her stuff away. I sat on my bed again.
(Y/N's p.o.v) I put all my clothes away. I walked back to Tessa with my head down. I could hear Jake and the girl in the other room laughing and moaning. She got up and walked over to me. "Y/N.." T "No Tessa! I'm fed up of this he keeps do-" I began, my eyes exploded with tears. Tessa jumped up and wrapped her arms around me, letting me sob into her shirt. "Erika" Tessa said. I heard the door click. "Hey girls..." She said. Tessa let go of me and Erika came and sat me down in between her and Tessa. They both comforted me when Nick came up and sat in front of me. "Here Y/N" he said quietly. "Thanks.." I said barely making a noise.
~next day~ Location - Tessa's room Team 10 house 1pm
(Tessa's p.o.v) Y/N was sitting on my bed again. She was getting more upset by the minute. I left her in there and walked to Jake downstairs. "Jake, break up with her" I said sharply. I was getting my point across. "What the fuck Tessa no!" J "Why? You barely pay any attention to her!" T "Because he will get her! I'm the better brother! I always get what I want!" J I walked off. I opened the door to my room and saw Y/N laying on the bed on her phone. I walked into the bathroom and shut the door. *Calling* Unknown: "Hey Tessa! What's up?" T: "It's Jake" Un: "Is he being a dick to you again?" T: "No, it's worse. Just get your ass down here" Un: "Okay daymn!" I hung up.
(Y/N's p.o.v) Tessa told me to get changed, someone was coming round.
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I quickly put my hair in a presentable messy bun. I heard Jake yelling downstairs. Tessa looked over at me worried. I walked out and looked over the banister. I saw Jake and a taller man. "Why are you here!?" Jake yelled at him. "Tessa called me" The other guy said calmly. "Tes-!" Jake yelled, but stopped immediately when he saw me. He must've been looking for her. Tessa came out beside me. "What?" She called down. I looked at her. "What is going on?" I asked her. She laughed "Don't laugh at meeee!" I whined. "Finnnee!" She whined at me. We both laughed and I looked back down. Jake and that other guy were looking at me and Tessa. "Hiii!" I yelled, snapping both of them out of their trance. I walked down with Tessa and went next to Jake. "Hi Jake" I said with no emotion. I heard Tessa laugh from around the corner. I turned my head around and laughed. Jake wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me towards him, making one of my hands fall onto his chest. "Hi babe" Jake said looking down at me slightly. *I was 5'3* I smiled a mix of a real smile and fake smile. He was actually acknowledging me for once, but I also knew it was only to make sure this guy wouldn't try to make a move on me. I quickly removed my hand from his chest and draped it by my side. Tessa came up to me and I leaned in to let her whisper to me. "Don't fall for him again....please" she said. I pulled away, she looked really sad, I let go of Jake's hand and hugged her. I let her sob into my shoulder. "What's up babe?" Jake said. "I don't know" I said. I broke apart from her and told her to go upstairs. "Erika!" I called up "What's up?!" E "Go to Tessa's room!" Y/N "'Kay boo!" E "Thanks!" I said taking her up to her room and then walking back down. "So am I gonna get told who this is?" I asked aloud. Making both of them laugh. "I'm Logan, Jake's brother" he said putting his arm out. "I'm Y/N, Jake's girlfriend" I said shaking his hand. I gave Jake an evil glare before excusing myself to go upstairs. I walked into the bathroom to gather my bearings. Jake had a brother? He never mentioned him once! I gotta admit, he's hotter than Jake. No one ever told me that he had a brother. I walked out into the kitchen rested my head in my hands. I heard Jake leave and someone walk behind me. I turned around and jumped slightly. He chuckled softly. "Sorry" he said "It's fine" I said, hopping up onto the counter. He done the same as me and we talked for a while until Jake came down. Of course he had to pull me down and talk to me. Without Logan. "What Jake?!" I whisper-yelled "Stop flirting with Logan!" J "What! I'm not even doing that! Why would I cheat on you?!" Y/n "Because I know what you're like!" J "I'm sorry Jake but even if I was, why would you care? You sleep with girls and bring girls home! AND I'M YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" I yelled the last part. "SHUT THE FUCK UP Y/N, you're a slut that won't get anyone but me!" Jake yelled at me, whispering the last part. I stepped back in shock. I just stood there. He actually fucking said that. I think Logan had stepped round the corner by then, so he probably heard me and Jake. I stepped forward, only about 15 inches from his face. "You know what Jake, I have something to say" I began. "I dont know why I bother anymore, you bring girls home and have sex with them while im in the other room, hearing everything. You always go on dates with other girls and you didn't even take me out on one once! I think what I'm trying to say is.... FUCK YOU JAKE PAUL! I think it's best if you invite one of your whores over to get over the best thing you will ever have and will ever get" I said indicating the last part to myself. I stepped forward once again and I caressed his cheek before pulling it away and slapping him across the face, making sure to leave a mark. "We are done!" I yelled in his face before walking off. He grabbed my arm and twisted me around so I was facing him again. "We are never over" he sharply said. "Fuck off" I yelled at him. I tried pulling out of his grasp but it didn't work. "Jake let me go!" I yelled. He just kept getting tighter, he let one hand go and drape by his side, clenching his fist. I was suddenly free as Logan pulled Jake away from me. I ran as fast as I could out the door. I realised that I had nowhere to go so I just sat out on the sidewalk, sobbing into my knees. I felt someone sit down beside me and place their arm around my shoulder. "Jake go away..." I said weakly. He didn't move. "Jak-" I looked up and saw Logan. "Oh sorry" I said leaning my head on my knees, looking down the road. "Look, Jake is a dick, he doesn't deserve a girlfriend at all. Especially one as beautiful as you". "I dont want compliments at the moment and I think I know that too well, I've been with him for a year and he treats me like shit" I said lifting my head up and looking into the road in front of me. I saw Logan look at me shocked and then he got up. I got up as well and walked up to Tessa's room. She was asleep on the bed, Erika with her back on hers, asleep as well. I quietly folded my clothes and placed them in my suitcase. I grabbed my shoes and put them onto of my clothes. I grabbed my duffel bag and placed random things in it. I walked downstairs and placed all of my bags near the door. I walked over to the sofa to grab my phone when I heard Jake whispering to himself. "He's going to get her, I'm the worst person, I never lose. I will get her back" I huffed and walked off with my phone in my hand. I was about to walk out of the door with all of my stuff when someone held my arm, stopping me. "Wait! Where will you go?" He asked. "I'll find somewhere" I said I walked out of the door. "My new life begins here"