~ The Mavericks p.1 ~

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(Y/N's p.o.v)
"WOOOOH" I yelled running down the street with Amanda, she was running after me with her vlog camera. I ran into the café and sat down. She came in after about 2 minutes and walked up to the counter to order our food. As she was ordering I was shouting over to her. Clearly I was the loudest person there. We was of course in Starbucks. I was on my phone, scrolling through all the pictures of me, hanging off of many cliffs, skydiving and more. I lived my life right. In my peripheral I saw a man next to me with his hand on the window. I looked, laughed and placed my hand there. He put his hand near his ear and make a phone shape with it, locking eyes with me.
"Can I have your number?" he said, I could barely hear him, but I nodded yeah. He looked at his friend and he laughed at him. He stood up and a few minutes later the door opened and he walked over to me.
"Hey!" He said
"Hi, um here's my phone. Just type your number in!" I said, putting my phone on contacts and giving it to him.
He typed his number in and handed my phone back to me.
"Thanks! I'll give you a call tonight" I said to him as he left. He waved and carried on walking past.
I smiled as Amanda came back and placed our drinks down.
"What are you so happy about?" She asked me.
"I got a cute guys number" I said.
"Woohoo! Good for you girl!" She said. We both laughed and talked for a while.

(280 WORDS)

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