Splash, Sunscreen, and Sunflowers

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Natsu was on the verge of a tantrum. She gripped her sun hat in her tiny hands and waved it out in front of her. Her older brother was trying desperately to negotiate with her. "Mom wouldn't be very happy if you don't wear sunscreen!"

"I don't care!" She protested, pouting. Her orange hair was tied up in wild little pigtails and she refused to put on her sun hat. It was rather embarrassing for her to be causing such a scene, especially on the bus where there was a captive audience. Kageyama gave that silent but triumphant look that said 'let me take care of this' and squatted down to the girls level.

"Natsu-chan, if you don't wear sunscreen your skin will become red and peel off." This startled Natsu and tears pooled in her eyes. She busted out into shrill, sharp cries.
Natsu did not want to put on the sun cream, but she also did not want her skin to fall off.
During her episode, Shouyou stood awestruck as Kageyama took this opportunity to grab the sunscreen and stealthily slather it on while the girl had her eyes shut. She imagined it was her skin peeling off and rubbing away.

"Now what do we do?" Shouyou hissed as his boyfriend slipped the tube of sunscreen back into his bag. Natsu was rightfully terrified. Skin cancer is no joke. But she hated the slimy sunscreen and the smell that came with it.

Seemingly out of nowhere, a princely figure appeared, bending down on one knee and began to soothe her. A boy, roughly around her age, stood behind him with a volleyball under his arm and a vacant stare on his face. "Ojou-chan, don't cry." The handsome man gave an assuring smile. "There's nothing to worry about," He began, "your name means sunflower".
Natsu pulled her balled-up fists away from her face an sniffed. "And just like your name," he continued, "you are a flower that thrives beneath the sun". He flashed her a wonderful smile that infected her, not only showing up on her face but also warming her up inside. Kageyama tensed up, and Shouyou was mute with astonishment.
"Oh," the handsome man said as if he were just realizing that the two of them were there, " good morning Tobio-chan, Chibi-chan". Kageyama clucked his tongue in disapproval while his boyfriend began asking a variety of questions far too fast for the man to answer.

"Hey, hey!" The unamused boy called out, "isn't that the guy you took a picture of?" He was now sitting on the seat next to Natsu. The three older boys had their hands on the hanging handles coming from the ceiling, except Shouyou, who was holding onto to a pole. Kageyama's face heated slightly at the memory. Him bowing his head to Oikawa.
However, Oikawa was far too busy carrying on a polite conversation with Shouyou. "Yes, this is my nephew, Takeru." He introduced, gesturing to the bored child. "Where are you two off to?" He gave a different smile, one without the comforting warmth, but with a sultry heat of patronization.

"None of y-!" Kageyama began but he was cut off by a cheery voice.
"Nii-chan and Kage-nii-chan are taking me to the pool!" Natsu sang, pointing out the window towards the facility.
"Well what a coincidence," the seijou setter said as he shifted his bag more comfortably across his shoulder, "that's where we were are heading too".


Natsu and Takeru played in the pool, but only when Oikawa was with them. At first, Shouyou was hesitant, but there really wasn't much harm in it. Their seats were close enough so he could dive in if something happened, and lifeguards were posted on both sides of the pool. Kageyama, on the other hand, still felt uneasy. While he did not think Oikawa was capable or even remotely interested in harming a small child, he couldn't say he was completely at ease with the idea of letting his borderline narcissistic former captain babysit his boyfriend's sister.

Oikawa's nephew had made friends with some of the other boys his age without inviting Natsu. She sat on the edge of the pool and splashed her legs in the water before making a decisive plop. Oikawa was leaned against the wall of the pool nonchalantly, sunglasses on and a few girls around him cooing over both him and Natsu as she bobbed in the water.

"Kage-nii-chan!" Natsu cried from the shallow end of the pool, "carry me to the deep end!"

Now Natsu was a fairly good swimmer, she didn't even need those arm floaties like other kids did. She was a big girl. However, she was not a big enough girl to go to the deep end on her own.

She held onto the ledge around the pool and watched as Kageyama reached over to her brother, and brushed some curls out of his sleeping face (which sprung back to their original placement almost immediately) before covering the smaller boy with a beach towel so he wouldn't get sunburnt. A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. She watched him take off his shirt and her bright eyes followed him as he walked the steps into the shallow end of the pool without flinching.

"Nice of you to join us, Tobio-chan." Oikawa said before turning back to the girls.

"Yeah." He grunted, opening his arms for Natsu to climb onto him. The girls stiffened abit at this cold-looking boy.

"Kage-nii-chan!" Natsu warbled, paddling over to Kageyama's arms. A large, soft smile spread across his face.

The girls swooned before diverting their attention, once again, to Oikawa.

Once she was situated, Kageyama walked towards the deep end. "Onwards, horsie!" She ordered, pointing to the direction of the deep end.

"Nii-chan isn't tall enough to take me into the deep end." She remarked, wrapping her arm back around him.

Kageyama chuckled a bit. "He's not that short."

"I am glad I am a girl because it's cute for us to be short!" Natsu declared triumphantly.

Kageyama continued into the deep end, not even thinking when he said, "I think it looks cute on him."

His face turned beet red once realized what he had said, and to his boyfriend's little sister, no less.

"You really like my nii-chan, don't you?" She asked, giggling. Natsu didn't wait for his response before saying "I like him too."


"So you and the shrimp?" Oikawa asked when Shouyou went over to the concession stand to buy ice cream for the kids.

Kageyama sat in the deck chair with Natsu swaddled in a towel on his knee. Natsu watched his face turn into a scowl.

"So how long has it been?" Oikawa asked with the air of a gossiping middle schooler.

Natsu didn't understand why Kageyama wouldn't just tell Oikawa how long they had been together. Then again, Natsu was a child and only had a blurry idea of what a relationship was.

"What a cold glare~!" Oikawa whined halfheartedly, "There's no shame in loving who you love, you know."

Natsu snuggled closer to Kageyama and leaned onto his chest.

"I am not ashamed, you just have no reason to know the ins and outs of my love life." The first-year muttered.

"So you admit you love him!" Oikawa grinned madly.

"Well, are you gonna admit you like Iwaizumi-senpai?" Kageyama retorted.

Oikawa sputtered, much to Kageyama's delight.

"I like Iwa-chan?" The third-year laughed nervously? "How do you figure?"

"He may have failed literature, but even Hinata can read between those lines." Kageyama laughed.
Natsu became confused. "But there is nothing between lines?"

"Ha!" Oikawa exclaimed triumphantly, "It's just as the girl says, there is nothing between us."

"Yeah, that's because you two are normally so close, you don't even leave room for Jesus." Takeru butted in, offering an ice pop for Natsu.


The trio were the last on the bus. Oikawa and his nephew had long been dropped off at their stop. Natsu felt like the day had been dragging on forever, yet it was ending far too quickly.

Once again she was curled up on Kageyama's back, snugly secured by his arm as he bounced off the bus. She watched the sun dip down the horizon as her brother and his lover made their way back to her house, where they would all surely snuggle up and fall asleep together later that evening.

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