The call

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Communications to 6110
"Go ahead"
respond to the high school, 16 year old on the roof threatening suicide.
"Copy that we're enroute"
Be advised local units are responding as well along with the sheriffs.
We all went lights and sirens to the high school.
Communications to 6110
"Go ahead"
Be advised fire and ems has been dispatched to your location
The principal walked out. Kids were all outside staring up at this kid 6 floors up.
"What's going on?" I asked and sheriffs and other agencies pulled in.
"We don't know. We tried to talk to her but she wouldn't listen. Her parents are on their way ."
"Get me someone who knows her." I said. fire and ems arrived along with my boss.
"Stephen what's going on?" Grayson asked
"No idea."
"GRANT!" My boss yelled and we both turned "what do you got?" He asked
" principal doesn't know anything."
" okay well let's get a negotiator in here." My boss said
" wait boss let me talk to her."
" boss please. Give me a few and I'll go up."
He nodded and walked away.
" Stephen are you sure?" Grayson asked and Laurel was next to us.
" who else is gonna do it. Most would just shoot her down and put a trampoline under her." I said
The principal came over with a teacher
" Officer Grant, Mrs. Disny, her science teacher."
" Mrs. Disny, Officer Grant. What can you tell me about this girl."
" her name is Stephanie, she's 16, sophomore. She has a bright future  ahead of her."
I cut her off "Mrs. Disny we don't have a lot of time."
"Right. Her parents are going through a divorce. Her dad got fired recently and her mom packed her bags and left" I looked at Grayson. " people have been picking on her because of that. She quit cheerleading. She doesn't do her homework she gave up. She wants to become a cop."
"Thanks Mrs. disny please go back to the kids."
"6110 to communications."
Go ahead 6110
" be advised I'm going up to the roof ."
Copy that.
" I'm going up with you." Grayson said
" not a chance. Too risky"
"He's right you need back up. We're it." Laurel said
" that's a definite no." I said
" we cleared it with the boss." Laurel said.
Communications to 6110 be advised 3280 from Fire and 4870 from ems will be joining you.
"Copy that." I said "let's go"
"6110 to 3260 get a ladder set up to the side and a trampoline below. 4860 get ready with the stretcher"
"Copy that 6110" they both said
We made it to the roof.
"Remember we go on my mark and only my mark." I said and they both nodded.
"Stephanie?" I asked
"Go away." She said
"You know I can't do that sweetie I need you to talk to me."
"No I'm done talking nobody listens."
" I will. Hey listen I heard your parents are getting a divorce and things aren't panning out the way you thought."
"My moms leaving."
"My Mom left me. Yeah me and my baby brother, who's right here. His name is Grayson and mine is Stephen. And this is Laurel she's a nurse and an EMT."
"Why did your mom leave you." She took a step toward the edge
" Stephanie I'll tell you but you gotta stop moving okay?"
"Don't come closer!"
"Stephanie, I just want to talk."
"Strap me in." I told Grayson and he started strapping me up in case we fell.
I sat down next to Stephanie.
" can you sit?" I asked and she didn't move " standing makes me tired. Sit and we can talk for as long as you want. Nobody else is coming up here." She sat
" So you wanted to know why my mom left?" I asked and she nodded "my dad was a cop, died in the line of duty. She couldn't handle it raising two boys on her own. So she left."
"What did you do?"
" I had to take care of my brother so I did that. Followed in my fathers footsteps and now I work beside my brother."
"Does the pain ever go away?"
" no. But you get stronger. Stephanie none of this is your fault."
She stood up "but it is." She said
"You want to become a cop one day right? I want that for you. I want to work beside you."
"3280 to 6110 be advised the parents are here."
"You brought my parents here?!" Stephanie yelled
"6110 to 3280 be advised the girl can hear you."
"Copy that."
" STEPHANIE PLEASE ITS NOT YOUR FAULT PLEASE DONT DO THIS PLEASE COME DOWN" her mother yelled and Stephanie closed her eyes
"Stephanie listen to me. I need you to listen to the sound of my voice. All those people down there, they don't want you to do this. Take a step back from the ledge and tell me something I don't know about you."
She moved closer.
"Stephanie please." I begged
" I want to be a cop. Detective. I want to save the world."
" you can still do that just let me get you down from here."
" I don't want to be saved."  Her feet now half off the ledge
"Stephanie please don't do this. You've got so much to live for trust me you can survive this."
"No. Nobody could. Goodbye Officer Grant, thank you for your service."
"STEPHANIE DONT!" I yelled but it was too late I was watching her little body fall and then the splat. John, the emt ran to her.
"John?" Laurel asked. Everyone's throats were in their stomachs. A few seconds later John looked up at me and shook his head "negative."
You could hear the cry of pain from her parents.
"3280 to dispatch"
Go ahead 280
" give a call to the morgue let them know we're bringing one in"
Copy that 280.
I just sat there.
"Stephen." Grayson said putting a hand on my shoulder. I got up not saying a word. Laurel stopped me, tears in her eyes.
" don't shut me out stephen."
" I need time Laurel."
I walked away. The guys were all lined up.
" You did what you could. You did your job." Most said
"Grant." My boss said "  take some time off. Go talk to someone. This one wasn't easy for any of us."
I nodded and lined up with the rest of the guys and firefighters. Ems went to get her body.
We saluted. I sat on the ambulance truck head in my hands. Didn't move, didn't speak. Just wanted to be alone. We packed up and headed back like the day goes on. Everyone gathered at our headquarters, nobody wanted to be alone, not us, not the fire department, not ems. At the end of shift my radio went off.
Communications to all surrounding agencies. Be advised we lost one today. A hard one, a young one. We did all that we could. We did our jobs and unfortunately it didn't end the way we wanted. To the soul that rose back home we'll remember you always. For you hit close to home for most. Rest easy child, we'll hold you in our hearts.
I got up and walked away. Grayson followed and gave me a hug.
"Love you." He said
"Love you too bro."

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