Chapter 8- Farewell

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Baekhyun slowly approached Sehun's house, staring in awe at the large building. It was a modern style home, clean cut with a simple garden out front. Before ringing the door bell, Baekhyun adjusted his hair and the sweater he was wearing. He would have defended he dressed nicely only because he would be seeing Sehun's parents, but the truth was he really spent extra time getting ready in anticipation of meeting up with Sehun.

Sehun's mother opened the door, smiling sweetly as she greeted him and invited him inside. After asking if he would like any refreshments or a snack to eat, she showed Baekhyun upstairs to Sehun's room. She knocked on his door lightly, waiting for Sehun's response before opening the door.

Baekhyun stepped inside, looking over at Sehun who was sitting up in his bed, dressed in a T-Shirt he had probably slept in. Sehun's mother excused herself before closing the door and leaving them alone together.

"Hey." Sehun smiled, relaxing back against his headboard.

Baekhyun stepped further into the room, coming over to his bed to sit down at the end of it, "Hey."

"So, why did you come over? I thought I missed my chance to talk to you."

Baekhyun sighed, turning more towards Sehun as he rested one of his knees up on the bed, "Shut up. We need to talk."

Sehun noticed Doyoon getting visibly more nervous in the background. He had been preparing himself for Baekhyun's visit all night, trying his best to imagine saying those words to him. But, as usual, now that Baekhyun was here, his nerves plummeted.

"Last night..." Baekhyun started, gaining Sehun's attention again, "...I was watching you at the park."

Sehun stared back at Baekhyun curiously, wondering what he was getting at, "...And?"

"I...saw you talking to yourself."

Baekhyun noticed Sehun tense up as all the color washed away from his face, it was the first time Baekhyun really saw such a nervous look on his face. Baekhyun quickly continued, not wanting to make Sehun uncomfortable.

"I asked your parents, and they told me all about your ability. I had already kind of assumed that was the case on my own, it made sense to me how you were able to follow me everywhere."

Sehun relaxed at these words, exhaling slowly as the color slowly returned to his face. His heart was uncomfortably tight from the anxiety of Baekhyun possibly thinking he was a freak, and he waited for it to calm down before he answered.

"You're right, that is how I've been following you."

"You're not actually the one who wants to tell me something, are you? It's your ghost friend."

Sehun smirked at Baekhyun, licking his lips before he answered, "You're pretty smart."

"And that first time I saw you again, that was the ghost, not you, right?"

"Yes, it was Doyoon."

"...Doyoon?" Baekhyun asked, falling into silence as he thought to himself. He didn't recognize the name.

Doyoon took a few steps backwards, his nerves increasing at the sound of Baekhyun saying his name. Sehun noticed and watched him for a moment before speaking again.

"He was a classmate of yours. He's in the room with us right now."

Baekhyun turned his head to look around, even though he already knew he didn't have the ability to see ghosts, "He is?"

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