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~~~ Later that Night~~~

"Are you ready to leave Regan?" Slender asked as I came down the stairs.

Jeff was standing besides him looking like he didn't want to go.

"Why do I have to go again?" Jeff said annoyed.

"Because I figured since your strong that you can help carry the bags." Slender said opening the door but then paused.

"Do you have a blood bottle? It is late."

"Y-yeah." I said holding up the bottle.

Slender looked and then continued out the door. Once outside we grabbed each other's hands and teleported to my house.

We were in the backyard. The lights in the house were off except what looked like the light of a T.V.

"Which one is your room child?" Slender asked.

"I'm the window on the second floor on the left." I pointed at the window.

Once again we took hold of each other's hands and teleported. We were in my room. The room that held so many memories. The room that I would never see again. I sighed.

"So what's first?"

I turned and Jeff was looking around.

"Clothes first." I said and went to my closet to start getting clothes off the hangers. I had set my bottle on my dresser. I was taking the clothes I liked most and mostly wore. I had set them on my bed and got my suitcase down. I began putting my clothes in my suitcase when I heard Slender whisper yell.

"Jeff close that!"

I turned to see Jeff red in the face.

I laughed when I saw that Jeff had opened my underwear and bra drawer.

"Why did you open a random drawer?" I chuckled seeing that he had opened my underwear, bra and socks drawer.

"I was gonna help you pack." Jeff said crossing his arms with an embarrassed but mad face.

"The clothes I'm taking are already in the suitcase. Can you put my underwear, socks and bras in my suitcase please?" I asked. I didn't care because it wasn't like he would do anything with them.

"Would you like me to do anything Regan?" Slender asked.

"Um could you get my wooden guitar from the top shelf in my closet I sometimes struggle with that please?" I asked as I made my way over to my book shelf where I had figurines, books, art supplies and sketchbooks.

I began to take the things I wanted off the shelves and put them on the bed. Slender handed me my guitar and I put it on my bed as I thanked him.

"I'm done." Jeff said.

"Thanks." I said.

"Now what?" He asked.

"Well my bags are in the closet on a hanger can you get them?" I asked.

Jeff went over to the closet and came back with the bags.

I began packing everything. I also went to the bathroom to get my toothbrush. I wasn't taking my game system because it would've been to much when it came to unplugging everything and I didn't want to take my T.V. because I felt that was extra for some reason.

A suitcase and different backpacks lay in the middle of my floor and my guitar leaning on the suitcase. I jumped when I heard footsteps.

"We must leave quickly." Slender said as he grabbed my hand.

"W-wait!" I said as I ran to grab the blood bottle from the dresser.

I ran back and grabbed Slender's hand. As smoke circled around (A/N, I don't know how it would look if he teleported, this is what I think it would be though.) us I kind of saw the door open and I think I saw my dad.

We were back at the mansion and we began bringing my bags to my room.

"Should we let him live now that he saw us?" Jeff said.

I heard Jeff say this behind my back. "Why does he have to die? He wouldn't be able to tell anyone they'll think he's just crazy." I said my voice cracked as I said this.

"Because he saw us. Where you live is where we kill. Police would probably take his words into consideration. Your dad would've probably given the same description as other people have on the news." He said setting the bags on the floor.

"Jeff is right but I will not kill him because you are already going through so much. I can erase his memory." Slender said.

"Thanks so much." I said and hugged him.

"You are welcome." Slender said.

My stomach began to ache and growl.

"It is getting late and I'm sure it's past 12." Slender said handing me the blood bottle that I had set on top of my suitcase.

"Thanks. Mind if I get something to eat?" I asked.

"You live here. You may have whatever you'd like. I'll erase your fathers mind now so I will be back soon." Slender said and began walking out.

"Ok." I said.

Jeff stayed behind.

"You have to be more careful. Slender won't be there when you have to get your blood." Jeff said.

"I know." I said.

Jeff and I walked out and went downstairs. Jeff went into the living room and I went to the kitchen and made a sandwich. Masky and Hoodie were eating cheesecake. I had made my sandwich and sat at the table.

When I finished I walked upstairs to my room. I had sat on my bed and drank some of the blood to settle my stomach. I had set the bottle on the night stand and pulled out my sketchbook. I began drawing for the rest of the night.

A/N sorry this took so long I haven't had time to write. I'm trying my best to write this good. Sorry if this wasn't very good.

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