Stumbled and Learnt

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Naruto had just been kicked out of the orphanage. He had no home and no one to go to, so he stumbled around the village with no true aim.

He soon approached the large wall that kept him contained withing and leaned against it as he continued to walk, trying to steady himself.

The young boy continued to walk until he hear a click. He looked in the direction of the click, and low and behold, a door had opened up. Naruto stumbled to it and saw that it lead to inside the wall. Curiosity taking over, he entered and began to try to look around. But suddenly, the entrance closed and he was left in the dark. Scared, he started to try to find a wall to guide him. When he did, he heard another click and the entire inside of the wall was lit with candles.

The blonde stared in wonder at the enormous place and realized the entire area was filled with books! He'd always been excited to learn knew things when the rare opportunity arose, and now he stood in front of an entire library all for himself! Then his face fell again. He didn't know how to read.

As if the library read his mind, a book fell in front of him to the floor. First he was afraid that the place would fall on top of him, but when he realized nothing else was falling, he picked up the book and opened it. To his surprise, the pages were filled with symbols that he soon learned were the language he spoke.

He smiled at the prospect of learning how to read, took the desk seat that was short enough for him, and began to learn. He smiled as he absorbed the knowledge, knowing he never wanted to leave the place.

Time Skip

After awhile, he learned the language and placed the book onto the desk. Now knowing how to read, he stood up and looked back at the books. He wanted to know more, he just didn't know where to start. So, like any normal person, he started at the book closest to him.

Though, when he tried to pull it from the shelf, it would not budge. He continued to pull until he fell on his tiny rear and sighed. He then whined, "I wanna learn all there is to learn here, but the book won't come out!"

After he said this, a stack of books came from the shelves in different places. They floated down gracefully, as if placed there by an unknown force. The blonde was slightly afraid, but more happy about getting new reading material. So much so that he didn't notice the previously read book floating back to it's shelf.

He picked up the first book in the pile and brought it to his spot, doing the same thing with the others before starting to read from the new pile. Each book was heavy so he took his time. The books all had the word history on the front, so he assumed that was what he would be learning about next. When he started, he found it interesting and became completely immersed in learning history. Not just the history of Konohagakure, but the history of the world.

Time Skip

The blonde finished the pile and stood to await his next. Something in those texts told him of  the history of this very library, so he now knew  how it worked. It stored every text known to man and was sentient. It listened to what he had to say and he would get a response from a book. The text had also stated that only those it deemed worthy were allowed to enter it's walls and that time became nearly still outside of the walls. So, the blonde smiled up at the shelves and said, "Now that i know you are able to understand me, i'll introduce myself. My name is Uzumaki Naruto. I was kicked out of the orphanage before i found your entrance. I have no family and only one man cares for me, but he will not notice my being gone for awhile. I am truly happy to find someone who is willing to teach me so much. And i am thankful for your help. Even though i have only barely scratched the surface of the knowledge i will learn hear, i am already better for it. So thank you Sensei."

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