Seasoning and Lecturing

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The next morning, Naruto woke up to a fully energized body. He got to his morning routine, but mot before waking up Kakashi.

The Hatake groaned and put the pillow over his head, trying to ignore Naruto as the blonde went into the bathroom.

But when he got out and saw the Hatake still laying there, he used a water jutsu and soaked him before making the water disintegrate. This certainly woke up the silver haired adult, because he jumped off the futon and went to the bathroom to dry off. Naruto chuckled as he changed into his good clothes and started breakfast.

When Kakashi walked into the main room, he took a seat at the table and waited for Naruto to finish making food. He was bored because he knew Naruto's rule. Any pervert in his home must keep his Icha Icha hidden or they will lose said book up their own arse's. He didn't dare test that rule, not wanting anything up there. Especially not his book. So he continued to sit and wait, growling grumpily at the boredom of not doing anything.

Naruto, finally finished making the food, brought it over to the table and served it for himself and Kakashi. They both said their thanks to Kami before eating politely. Naruto had seen Kakashi's face by accident awhile ago, so he didn't bother eating fast to hide it from the boy.

When they were both finished, Naruto made his usual clones before shunining to his usual training ground. Kakashi followed, knowing exactly where the training ground was. And when they were both there, an ANBU walked into the clearing. Kakashi looked at the man and recognized him. So he told the battle ready Naruto to stand down and said, "Hey Yamato. It's good to see you. Now, for that thing i told you about." Kakashi then pointed to Naruto. "This here is Naruto Uzumaki. You are to teach him as much as you can by order of the Hokage."

The other man nodded and pulled off his mask. He looked at Naruto and nodded again. Then he said, "You can call me Yamato-sensei."

Naruto nodded and gave a bow as he used his ability to copy the Mokuton. It was just as easy to copy as the others, and the Senju symbol branded on his spine.

He then stood back up and smiled at the other mokuton user, ready to learn what he needed to. Kakashi just telled back into the trees to stay out of the way as the two trained.

Time Skip

A completely leveled ground and a few fallen trees later, Naruto was panting on the ground. Yamato was still standing, but he had to catch his own breath as Kakashi eye smiled behind the undisturbed area of trees.

He then stepped out and asked, "Yamato, are you ready to quit for the day?"

Yamato nodded, knowing his limits. So Kakashi shunshined him to his home before coming back to teach Naruto himself.

He then began his part of the job. 'Teach Naruto how to use the Sharingan and help him with other bloodlines as much as you can.' That is what he was ordered to do.

He stood in front of Naruto, slouching with his hands in his pockets. Then he began to give instructions. "Naruto, to activate the sharingan, do whatever you do to channel a specific bloodline limit. Then channel chakra into your eyes. Don't use too much and make it a steady stream."

After a few minutes, Naruto's cerulean eyes gained two tomoe. Naruto watched Kakashi as the man began to run around the area. I could see the possibility of what he might do and pulled out a kunai in time to block and incoming shuriken from the silver haired ninja. He smirked, thinking, 'This'll be fun.'

Kakashi was slightly surprised to see two tomoe instead of one, but then he remembered who he was thinking about and shook his head. He continued his onslaught, knowing full well that Naruto already had his sharingan at a very high level. So he stopped and walked to Naruto.

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