"Welcome to the Women's Division Unit, Camp Charlie, Sir!" A smartly dressed woman saluted as we stepped down from the aircraft. It was a remote area with a large, singular building and dozens of large, dark green tents pitched all around the dirt.
"A pleasure." Jack Morrison, a respected member of the Overwatch organization, saluted back.
"No need to be so formal. We're just here to scout recruits." Gabriel Reyes scoffed, slapped a hand down on Morrison's shoulder, punching him playfully with his other.
"I'm a bit shocked that most of you came along, everyone but Gabriella Adawe." The uniformed woman pointed out.
"She had some business back in Switzerland, but she sends her regard and greetings." Liao shrugged.
"Ah, so then she's not a replacement?" She gestured at me.
"She's the head of the medical research group with us!" Torbjörn, the shortest (and friendliest) member sauntered by, giving me a wink and warm grin.
"Not yet." Morrison said, swatting away Reyes' horseplay. "We're waiting until she finishes school and gets her MD."
"And PhD." Ana Amari added, hopping down and out of the aircraft. "Mind you, she has maybe a month or two of school left, so expect it. We've never found a more gifted woman."
I couldn't help but shy away, grinning from ear to ear. Truly, compliments from people as important and prominent as the key founders of Overwatch felt incredibly special.
"Speaking of which, thats what we're here for." Morrison nodded at all of us, and the others split off. "Nothing is required or expected. We're simply keeping an eye out for special characters."
"Of couse, sir! Good luck, sir!" Once again, the uniform woman saluted, returned by Morrison.
She marched off and Reyes and Morrison turned to me. "Well, Angela," Reyes put his hands on his hips, smiling, "we'll turn you loose. Go take a look around, afterall, you're one of us, now."
"Not yet." Morrison scowled, but relaxed after Reyes pecked him on the cheek. "Right. We all have a duty here. Move out."
"I swear, you make everything so serious." Reyes laughed and went his way.
"Right." Morrison sighed. "Angela, I'm sorry about the mix-up. We weren't supposed to be working during your visit."
"You're too modest, I'm more than happy to accompany you all here." I smiled.
"Just wait. You'll get sick of us all after you join. Come on, lets get this over with."
We both entered the largest building in the center which turned out to be the mess hall and backed ourselves in the corner, glancing about at the crowds of women eating and chatting. The atmosphere was thick and mixed with the pungent smell of food and sweat.
"You and Reyes seem to be closer since the last time I saw you two." I teased, leaning my back against the wall. "Not that its my business, but its cute!"
Morrison snorted. "Cute? We're grown men. Bold of you to bring up my personal dealings considering we're providing your tuition and considering you a position among us."
"Is that a threat, Sergeant Morrison?" I asked, my dolcite tone assuring him I meant no disrespect.
"Why don't we call it that. Spunk will only get you so far, kid." He scoffed. Liao entered on the opposite side and spotted Morrison, beckoning him over. The tall, blonde soldier himself patted me firmly on the back before going off to Liao. The two of them exchanged some words and left the building, leaving me alone in the mess hall.
Not long after, I was then approached by a taller, muscular woman who rested a hand against the wall near my hand, looming over me. I recognized this as a stance guys would take while flirting back in highschool. For a moment, I simply stared confused into her dark, hazel eyes.
"Can I... help you?"
"What's your name, doll?" She smirked. Her accent was familiar, I couldn't place where I had heard it before.
"Who's asking?"
"Someone who can show you a really good time."
My face grew warm and I tried to leave. She simply took a stepback and blocked my way. "Where you in a hurry to?" She asked, amused.
"I'm here for different business."
"Still doesn't make me wonder whats under that black tank top and grey sweats." She was persistent.
"Really, I need to get going-"
"Nonsense! Trust me, you won't be missing anything." She smiled, advancing. With each of her steps forward, I took one back until I was pressed against the wall, her body up on mine, her arms trapping me in. Then, with a sudden, swift movement, she planted her lips on mine, holding them for a second before breaking away.
I was shocked."See," She grinned at my reaction, "that wasn't so bad, was it?"
I could hardly react. I knew nothing about self-defense, but even if I did, she was clearly much more powerful than I was.
When I gave no response, she began leaning in once again. My mind spun as I pushed my palms against her shoulders, trying to keep her back."Fareeha!" A voice called, the same accent as the woman before me. Like a deer caught in headlights, the woman in front of me snapped to attention, immediately backing away from me, her eyes wide.
"Mom?!" She cried as Ana Amari appeared from the doorway.
"I thought that was you. Hello, darling!" Ana embraced her, catching my flustered gaze. "Ah, of course. If it isn't obvious now, I have a daughter."
"W-we've met." I tripped over my words.
"Just recently." Fareeha added quickly, a hint of curiosity in her tone.
"I see. Then introductions are in place; Fareeha, this is Angela Ziegler, the head of medical research and future for Overwatch. Angela, this is my daughter, Fareeha Amari."

Birds of a Feather ( Pharmercy )
ФанфикI expected my tears to miraculously revive Fareeha. But this was reality. This was war. This is an account of Mercy and Pharah's time together in the past as military initiates and present as mid-war allies. Watch as they evolve from a hostile begin...