The moment I entered the mess hall, a burst of applause and cheers filled the spacious tent. Scanning the crowd, I estimated there to be at least 150 or so soldiers under the tarp, all watching intently as I stopped at one end of the tent, facing them all. After a moment, the noise died down and all that hung in the air was anticipation. I couldn't help but to analyze the closest soldiers to me, seeing the visable injuries they had endured and bandages applied under their clothes.
"Ladies, gentlemen and others..." I forced a smile. "I cannot express how grateful I am to stand before you all this afternoon. On behalf of Overwatch and the world, we all have a deep appreciation for your service in these trying times."
I could see the hope and awe in each of the soldier's expressions as they listened intently.
"This war is beyond any of us." I paused, Fareeha's critical state crossing my mind. "We have lost or will lose people dear to us. To those who are suffering that grief, hear me. You are not alone, and we will not let the names of those who die go in vain."
Torbjörn. There was a spring of hope that fluttered uneasily in my chest. We could still save her.
"Overwatch is fighting beside you with every step. And if they don't, then I will. Excuse me-" I cut the speech short and began past the crowd back to the medical tent.
"Wait-- Mercy!" A soldier called. "Do your wing thing!"
I hesitated, slowing my pace until I was in the midst of them. Like a 6th sense, my Valkyrie suit hummed with power, it's twin mechanical appendages sprouting from my back and stretching into its full span. The movement was smooth and fluid, followed by a flash of white and yellow light; feathers to my wings.
The crowd cheered. I began my pace again, retracting the suit as I did, but only one thing was on my mind. Pharah was going to live.
"Athena." I called into my wrist, and a digital tune played.
"Angela Ziegler, how may I be of assistance?" An automated female voice answered.
"Start Falcon and fly it over my position, we have cargo."
"Right away, ma'am."
I let myself into Fareeha's room and began unplugging the monitors attached to her, snatched the nearly empty IV bag off its rack and began to wheel her out of the room.
A doctor rounded the corner and gasped."Mercy, what are you doing?!"
I didn't answer and sped past her, back outside where I could see my ride, it's symbol flashing in the afternoon sun. It lowered to the ground and I pushed Pharah into the cargo hold.
"Athena, autopilot to OHQ, Switzerland." I commanded as the hatch shut behind me. I began fastening the bed with belts on the side of the ship.
"Of course. May I remind you what your superiors will think about this?" She asked as we rose off the ground.
"You may certainly not!"
"Understood. Would you like the cabin tempature increased for the comfort of Fareeha Amari?"
"Please, and thank you, Athena." I secured the bed and stood up. She looked so peaceful.
I pressed a pair of fingers under her jaw, feeling her slow, weak pulse. This was going to work. It had to.--
"Angela?" Jesse approached the ship the moment I let loose the last strap on Fareeha's bed and carefully wheeled it down the loading platform.
"Jesse, not now. Please tell Torbjörn to meet me in the medical bay, tell him its an emergency." I said quickly, my blonde hair flailing wildly over my eyes as I began towards the hangar doors leading into HQ.
"Reyes wants to talk to you."
"Athena," I glared at Jesse, "would you mind sending that message?"
"Your message has been sent to Torbjörn." She confirmed.
I raced to the medical bay, dodging other members. I heard boots thumping behind me as I kicked open the clinic door.
"Ziegler!!" Commander Morrison's voice boomed with anger. I ignored it and pushed Pharah into the room, wasting no time to replace her IV and placing vital monitors across her body.
"Do you have ANY idea what you've just done?!""She's in critical condition." I swallowed, running the new IV into her shoulder.
"You kidnapped a solider from her camp and made a public speech without authorization!" The commander seized my arm. I jerked myself out of his grip and turned, our furious gazed meeting for the first time.
"I'm trying to save a life!" I shouted.
"What you did is going to cost us dearly! We're already holding onto our own seams!" He barked.
Outside, a few bystanders stopped at the doorway, peering in.
"I don't care! Kick me out, why don't you? This is far more important to me than you could understand!"
"Why do you insist on being so arrogant and selfish?!"
"Ana would have wanted this!" I screamed, jerking my entire body to him, balling my fists.
"You-!" Commander Morrison took a violent step forward, his hand instinctively going for his rifle. His furrowed brow dropped and I saw his confidence and composer shatter as harshly as his temper. I found his nerve and had hit too harshly-- a twinge of regret, but nothing more.
The med bay doors slid open and Torbjörn stepped through his eyes immediately falling on Fareeha.
"Oh dear..." Torbjörn pushed past us to the bedside and began examining her body. I turned back to Commander Morrison.
"Commander. She's one of us."
"War isn't about right or wrong, Angela." Morrison growled, turning to leave. "It's about preservation."

Birds of a Feather ( Pharmercy )
FanfictionI expected my tears to miraculously revive Fareeha. But this was reality. This was war. This is an account of Mercy and Pharah's time together in the past as military initiates and present as mid-war allies. Watch as they evolve from a hostile begin...